☠lildollfac3☠ profile picture


About Me

:::::::::::::::: Plain MySpace Layouts by Iron Spider
I'm a proud mommy of the most adorable little guy in the world. His name is Chance. I dont know where I would be without him.
I have 3 dogs: Roxer, Dugan and Bruiser...and 1 fish [Malloy], and 1 sucker fishee (Placostamous)
I love black/pink/white/red.
Art and Music get me through everything
I love my friends, old ones, new ones, best ones, ones I havent even met yet
I type about 120 WPM
Ralph Lauren HOT, Armani CODE, Hara Juku 'G',and Calvin's EUPHORIA are my fave perfumes of choice at the moment
My favorite website is www.whatboyswant.com shhhh
I talk fast / I walk fast
I see no need to look back unless you have learned from past regrets, endeavors, and mistakes
I've owned 13 vehicles
When I was little I wanted to be the first woman president, the first woman quarterback for Notre Dame, a lawyer, and an author of many poems...but I find myself now hanging onto promises, dreams, and goals that dangle above me; nevertheless, I'm none of these things
I am allergic to cats, lettuce, onions, bad hygeine, and hairy backs
I live for the moment and never plan ahead (except for Christmas..always plan ahead for that)
I live for Black Friday
There is no match for me in the kitchen
Im anal-retentive about having a clean house (so I have a maid); it's subsequent to my OCD(just ask my friends about my adventures to Walmart down the teddy bear isle..)
I collect candles, girl toys, boy toys, teddy bears, porcelon dolls, and I'm a severe packrat
I'm a thrift store junkie...no one can outshop me for less
I own my opinion and won't back down when Im passionate about something
You see that shirt at the store that you think is hideous, ungodly aweful, and extremely out dated?...I'll buy and wear it
No one can make me believe in something I dont
If you call me after 9, the likelyhood that I will remember the conversation are slim to nill, additionally, I will have a groggy voice and probably be brutally honest with you--and never remember it
I'm Italian, so yes I talk a lot with my hands
I'm a flirt, cant help it, always been that way
I'm married to the craziest fool ever known to man..but I guess that's what it takes to put up with me all the time-and I love him for it; he's my best friend
I hiccup when I get excited
Snoring in front of strangers is a fear of mine
No matter how politely you ask, I will not hand out your flyers for your band
Lists, lists and more lists..enough said.
I love English, so when you say something grammatically incorrect--I will fix it, dont worry
I'm an artist in the sense that I can take a pen, pencil, paint, crayon, or chalk and turn it into something that Bob Ross taught me (yes I watched every one of his shows)
I donate, volunteer, and help as many less fortunate people, animals and ideas possible ~ given my life.
I'm sensitive about animals and kids. If you mess with either of them..I will fuck you up
I love life with everything I have, even at its worst moments, I try to see the best in it
I love the Cleveland Browns! And I dont care what the stats say
I'm pretty short, but I've learned to deal with it
I always sleep with one leg on top of the covers, and one of them under. I'm weird like that
Perfectionism is a flaw I possess. It's not intentional, it just stems from my obsessive compulsive disorder. Try moving something out of it's place at my house and see how quickly it gets put back
Fact finding is a hobby of mine. You want statistics on how many spores of crap are on your toothbrush over the course of a week, I'm your girl.
Meat on a bone, meat that forms the shape of whatever it was originally, raw meat: won't eat it. I'm not a vegetarian, but I cant eat certain things. I start thinking too deep into what I'm eating and I'll get sick.
However...I do LOVE potatoes, anything potatoes. I like swiss cheese 'sammiches', severely processed foods, corn, pears, apples, green beans--I guess it's safe to say I'm a veggie and fruit freak.
At one time, I was a size 3/4-very unhealthy. But after I had my son, yep..you guessed it, I put on a little weight and now I dont look like a starving Ethiopian child.
I believe in happy endings and fairy tales
There is nothing better on a cold winter night, than to curl up on the couch with some hot chocolate with marshmallows and watch a lovestory on tv with my fuzzy teddy bear slippers and fuzzy blanket.
I was in a really bad car accident in 2003, and since then, I drive very carefully (not too slow-just careful).
Most of my friends will tell you that I'm obnoxious, a little wild and crazy, but when it comes to serious issues, I give good/sound advice, cheer people up when they need it, and have a good ear (well...two of them) for listening
My favorite holidays are Christmas and Birthdays
I adore creativity. If you make me an oragami for Christmas that took you 7 hours, I would appreciate it more than something you bought at a store and put no thought or efforts into. On the other hand, if you put thought and effort into buying me something, that works too. As long as you are thinking!
I expect the unexpected
I gag at the smell of popcorn, but ironically crave it when at the movies
I love to be loved; my family, my friends. I love people. And rarely do I ever dislike someone, but when I do, you bet your ass I have good reason
I hate touching cardboard. If I touch it, I immediately have to find something plastic or glass and touch it
I tend to believe in others even when they don't believe in themselves
You can IM me on aol instant messenger or Yahoo IM: lildollfac3
I'm creative, bossy, unpredictable, and a smart ass bitch at times...take it or leave it
I am exactly as you see me...with your eyes closed. --------------------------------------

My Blog

She's not crazy

Some may say she's crazy, Others say she's not.How can people be so obliviousTo the small this she forgot?She knows what it is, The secret we cant see.The only real bruises Are the tear stains on her ...
Posted by on Sun, 28 Jun 2009 18:30:00 GMT

Find out what band inspired me to write this song...

I was bored...and driving to work..and this kinda just started flowing. It was definately inspired a great local band...Downplay. Most of the songs I was listening to this morning by them were about g...
Posted by on Mon, 21 Apr 2008 04:58:00 GMT

One night stand : poetry

Warm air carressed my body, the night lifted my skin His eyes completely drawn toward me Begging to let him in Fingers tickling my forearm, moving quickly to my thigh Warm tongue on my earlobe Th...
Posted by on Wed, 05 Mar 2008 21:13:00 GMT

Josh C. Richards RIP 10/14/74 - 8/29/05

When I was 18, I met the most wonderful man. His name : Josh Charles Richards. He was kind, caring, understanding and the most influential musician I have ever met. When I met him, he was battling bra...
Posted by on Fri, 29 Feb 2008 11:19:00 GMT

Vote for my little boy

I have entered Chance's picture into a contest. The link is: https://www.greatamericanphotocontest.com/voter1/index.aspx? referid=EmailFriends&p=373583&x=.jpg Go there and vote for him, please ...
Posted by on Mon, 25 Feb 2008 11:12:00 GMT

Guide to a Thicker Wallet

Free websites: www.freecycle.orgI have recently joined a website called www.FREECYCLE.org. It is absolutely 100% free. You have to join to enjoy this site. People are able to post wanted ads for thing...
Posted by on Fri, 22 Feb 2008 14:15:00 GMT

Great Grandma I miss you

Tonite I put up my Christmas tree. And yes, it's probably too early. But I've been thinking about my great grandma a lot lately. And it's probably not going to make any sense to anyone until I tell yo...
Posted by on Mon, 19 Nov 2007 17:31:00 GMT

Vicky’s recipes volume 1

Vicky's Potato Salad (shhh...it's my secret..but I'll share it with you) 1 bag peeled red potatoes (then cut into 1/4" pieces)  1 small jar of green olives, diced 12 eggs boiled then cut into p...
Posted by on Sat, 17 Nov 2007 17:12:00 GMT

bitch log

I'm sitting here at work and so many things are going thru my scurvy little brain that arent work-related. So I decided to hash it out on myspace...since I can.   Jealous girls: Ok so lately, I h...
Posted by on Mon, 30 Jul 2007 08:23:00 GMT

AIM or Yahoo IM

IM me on lildollfac3 on either yahoo IM or AIM. And if you dont have the kahunas to IM me first...leave a comment on here with your Screen name and my bodaciously bold ass will write you first..cuz I ...
Posted by on Wed, 25 Jul 2007 10:04:00 GMT