About Me
120m² professional recording studio near the city-center of oldenburg.
TECHNICAL INSTRUMENTS: otari, chandler, universal audio, soundtracs, drawmer, neumann, sennheiser, audix,... MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS: ludwig, premier, ampeg, mesa-boogie, engl, vox, orange, fender, echolette, ...REFERENCES: superhelicopter, spaceship landing, surfnazis must die, jetblack, just went black, ritual, empty vision, with fire, digger&the pussycats, instil, men in search of the perfect weapon, perthexpress, zann, the 244GL, a traitor like judas, el mariachi, mad minority, bitume, katzenstreik, testsieger, low point drains, anomalys, fanman, seasicks, heidevolk, tennement kids, antillectual, the now denial, long distance calling, coogans bluff, enojado, jesus cröst, ...