+SpAnG+ profile picture



About Me

q{ Army Survey}p
What is your rank?: PFC
What is your MOS?: 21 Combat Engineer!
Where was your recruiting station?: Appleton, WI
Who was your recruiting officer?: SSG Morris
Why did you enlist?: Lots of reasons
Where did you attend basic training?: Ft. Leonard Wood, MO
AIT?: same
Where are you stationed now?: Ft. Carson, CO
Have you been deployed?: in August
If so, how many times?:
Have you gone to jump school?: nope
How long have you been in the army?: 2 yrs in August
Do you plan on reenlisting?: prolly goin Guard so i can go to school
Why/Why Not?:
Word Association
Ft. Benning: Its in Georgia
Ft. Bragg: Airborne
Ft. Campbell: ?
Ft. Carson: Fukin cold
Ft. Hood: The biggest
Ft.Irwin: Cali
Ft. Leavenworth: Prison baby
Ft. Leonard Wood: Ft. Lost in the woods
Ft. Sill: where my pops went
Ft. Knox: yeee haww
Stop-loss: sucks to be you
Air-force: chair-force
Marines: stupid
Navy: gots all the chicks!
Since everybody knows how the army is
What was your weirdest line to get someone in bed (successful attempt)?: i'm bored..lol
What was your weirdest line to get someone in bed (failed attempt)?: dont remember
How many different people have you been with since you have enlisted?: a couple
Was basic really that tough (consider the category)?: not at all
Does the uniform really make a difference?: ha...the monkey suit?...its aight
Drill Sargeant?: DS Hansen baby!
Military Base?: well Ft. Carson cuz i've only been to 2
Part about basic training?: Physical Fitness every day
Part of being in the Army?: Putting your life on the line for your country
Anything else you feel is important info.?
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Background from Yahoo search result

My Interests

Name is Matt....In the state of Colorado living the enlisted Army life....Things that are me: golf, skiboarding, baseball, football, camping, concerts, amusement parks and definitely the party scene. Missing everyone back home...only 2.5 years left!


Classic Rock, Techno, Rap


Comedy, Action, Horror


Family Guy, Deadliest Catch, Scarred, Prison Break, History Channel, Lil Bush, The Office, My Name is Earl, Hell's Kitchen, Survivorman, Man Vs Wild

My Blog

Why is there 18 holes in golf?

Why are there 18 holes in golf? ...
Posted by +SpAnG+ on Tue, 20 Nov 2007 08:45:00 PST