............the name's mallory...im in ninth grade...im an outgoing person.and im super-dee-duper loud:]all of my friends are too. i have all the friends i would ever need. but theres always room for more:] but the one i would never-ever give up for anything is my best friend ever brianna. she means the world to me. she gets me through everything, break-ups and fights. i love her:]...wanna know more about him and bri, visit my heros section. also, im a cheerleader for life. i cheer for varsity as a freahman!and i am doing an all-star team, NJ cheer force<3333 not alot gets me mad. but when you piss me off, youll know it. i love forks. there so cool. other utensils are just boring. i love to swim, tumble, chill and dress up. halloween is my favorite holiday. i know im not wealthy. you might even label me poor. but i dont need money or material things to have fun. i love the outdoors and drawing. i know i can draw good, but im not the best. i know im a good cheerleader but im not the best. i guess all i got to say is im always doin stupid stuff and saying random thing but i guess that just me:]......
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