smiles that hold a secret message the silence of early mornings when the sun sets over salta street the breeze that brings caricias mate, coffee, calling the world my home Dancing existing in a world amonst worlds observing the people that are unobserved ice cream suspending my disbelief being a foreigner in my new home dulce de leche when my friends come out to play in my sueños the viaje that changed my life forever
I would love to meet the face behind the god that binds us to a false order of control. The same god that speaks of eternal acceptance,forgivness,and benevolence, yet ridicules, judges and condemns our mistakes oh and no fun haters please...
*THE WEAKERTHANS*JAWBREAKER*SixteenHorsePower*The Deathray Davies*Broken Social Scene*The Faint*Brighteyes*Catpower* *Jets to Brazil (orange rhyming dictionary)*PGMG* *The French Kicks*The Wedding Present*The Walkmen*Scared of Chaka* *Forget Cassettes*Black Top Cadence* Strike Anywhere*HWM* PlanesMistakenforStars*The Thumbs*The Sounds* *American Steal*Two Gallants*This Bike is a Pipe Bomb*NeutralMilkHotel*MattPondPA*TheRedlights*JorgeDrexler*
la puta y la ballena, antes de medionoche, the postman, Dot the I, Rabbit Proof Fence, Eternal Sunshine of a Spotless Mind, Almost Famous, Goonies, High Fidelity, Benny and Joon...
I know it is ridiculous, but there is a soap opera called Se Dice Amor, and as stupid as it is, I totally watch it everyday.
*Love in the Time of Cholera*100years of Solitude*Culture Jam*The Celestine Prophecy*Go Ask Alice*The Poisonwood Bible*Me Talk Pretty One Day*Junkie*Jitter Bug Perfume*By the River Piedra I sat down and wept*Heartbreaking Work of a Staggering Genius*Las Venas Abiertas de America Latina*Once Minutos
*******************************My Sister************************************"You said true meaning would be dying with you, and though I wanted to, I did not smile. Now I will give on this wall that I have fought with, never uncover meanings behind our rich words. If I could I would make you a raging river supplied with rain so you could always meander and forever be able to run away...without myths wrongly interpreted... of pain." ***** John K. Samson