DIANOGA profile picture


Declawed 7" badly needs label

About Me

We are DIANOGA, a straight on, no bullshit fucking grindcore band. We have been blasting out the murderous dank grind brutality since summer 06'. We're all in other bands that you should check out as well. Holtz is in two hardcore bands, SLOVEN and THE AGENDA. Davis is in the black metal band, MALEDICERE and death metal band, DIABOLICAL SACRILEGE. Johnson is in the doom/sludge band ENDLESS BUMMER. We are always down to do trades and set up rad shows!||OUT NOW: DIANOGA/SLOVEN - split demo tape (out of print) // DIANOGA - "uprising" tape||OUT NEXT!!! DIANOGA - "declawed" 7"(need label!!) // TARDCORE comp LP // DIANOGA vs. PIZZA HI FIVE - split LIVE tape // DIANOGA/MEATHOLE INFECTION - split 7" (need label)

My Interests


Member Since: 12/10/2006
Band Website: this
Band Members: Holtz|Johnson|Davis
Influences: Napalm Death/ Repulsion/ Carcass/ Terrorizer/ Brutal Truth/ Excruciating Terror/ Assuck/ Crossed Out/ No Comment/ Man is the Bastard/ INFEST/ Despise You/ Suicidal Tendencies/ DRI/ Heresy/ Extreme Noise Terror/ Health Hazard/ Deep Wound/ SIEGE/ Celtic Frost/ Kreator/ Possessed/ DEATH/ Morbid Angel/ Anthrax/Black Sabbath
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

news update.

So we are in the process of setting up a very crucial power music festival. GRIND YOUR MOTHER FUCKING DICK OFF 2!!! so far all comfirmed bands are as follws:Chainsaw to the FaceI Hate ThisCopeaterDisa...
Posted by DIANOGA on Fri, 25 Apr 2008 04:03:00 PST


We are returning to crush your faces on the days of january 26/27/and the 28th. Two of these shows are with are awesome friends PIZZA HI FIVE from Lima, Ohio. check em' out. Further more (not that its...
Posted by DIANOGA on Thu, 17 Jan 2008 06:31:00 PST

Still Grind Attitude

Some new songs up from upcoming Summer '07 Tour Tape, coming at you exclusively on Question/Dianoga east coast tour. Splits with Sloven sold out. We're pumped for tour, hope you are too.Watch out for ...
Posted by DIANOGA on Fri, 13 Jul 2007 06:35:00 PST

New DIANOGA stuff coming at you

We are going to the Meat Locker basement on July 9th to record new songs for the "tour" cassette tape and the upcoming TWIN CITIES TARDCORE compilation LP (also featuring Question, Monsters of Pot, Sl...
Posted by DIANOGA on Thu, 21 Jun 2007 01:49:00 PST

Split tape demo with Sloven out now

so send us a message or see us at a show and buy one. If you don't live in the city, you can send $3 to:Dianoga2227 Cole ave. SEMinneapolis, MN 55414and we'll send you a tape.
Posted by DIANOGA on Mon, 29 Jan 2007 11:42:00 PST

"a deadening sence of life becoming non-life" demo tape out soon

we go to under of a disgraced land for record cassete tape of 9 song next week. be out soon,  just let you know.
Posted by DIANOGA on Mon, 11 Dec 2006 09:28:00 PST