doppelgänger- noun. a ghostly double or counterpart of a living person.
im so young, but i know this is exactly what i want. this is the only boy that i really wanted to mean it when i said 'i love you'. we have the oddest relationship. we like to yell and call each other mean names. but we usually end up laughing about it later. hes the boy that knows i don't have to be treated extremely fragile just because im a girl, and he knows he can wrestle me to the death, and its a fair fight. we like to hit and scratch each other and make fun of one another. we're not the traditional couple, but my gosh, we are by far the cutest one you'll ever meet. we do like to cuddle, play wiffle ball, watch america's funniest home videos, and play with our baby hamster "chunky". we're definitly the most real relationship you'll ever have the opportunity of seeing, and honestly even though we have our issues sometimes, i wouldn't want it any other way. i like to spend lots of money on him, and take him out to dinner. and he likes to let me chase him in gas station parking lots and gives me lots of kisses. i love the way he laughs and smiles, and i wish my eyes could be half as pretty as his. hes alot different from other boys. and thats why hes mine. i don't want anyone else. i want this, because to me, this is just perfect.