Rachel profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

See that picture? That's me! I'm currently living on Staff at the Way International, a biblical research, teaching, and fellowship ministry, where I work in the Grounds Department. I'm way into music and anything theatrical, movies of all kinds (except some horror films...I either have to have a lap to jump into or a bathroom to hide in), sewing, reading, and hanging out with people. I am a once and future Rennie, and like nothing more than dressing up and talking with funny accents. Currently 26, a Way Disciple XII alumni, and keeping that one eye open for the man who can manage to not only keep up with me spiritually, but lead me into seeing how much more I can be in every aspect of life. My family (Mom, Dad, two brothers, Jim and Paul, and one sister, Julia) is my world. They center me, and keep me humble.

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My Interests

Music performance and composition, movies, Renaissance festivals, sewing (not quilting), books, and people.

I'd like to meet:

People of all kinds! Pal around with fellow Rennies, fellowship with the household of believers, anyone with a fervent desire to know just how cool God can be, and any other soon-to-be friends floating around out there.


Whatcha got? I'll listen.


Twisty dramas, anything with a sense of humor, old musicals, Bogey and Bacall...aw, just anything you got.


Heroes, Pushing Daisies, Ugly Betty


Anything written by Nora Roberts (that woman can suck my brain into a book in three seconds flat), Harry Potter series, Stephanie Laurens (I have a weakness for graphic romance novels, sue me), "Order My Steps in Thy Word", and "The Bible Tells Me So", by Dr. Victor Paul Wierwille


Mom and Dad

My Blog

The Wedding

Okay, this is it. Of all the siblings that I expected to get married before me, James was not even on the list. (I only have one other brother and a sister) However, I am ecstatically happy for him, e...
Posted by Rachel on Wed, 02 May 2007 08:13:00 PST

Sewing projects

Never so much sewing....and on a self-imposed deadline, no less! With my brother getting married this November, and the bride's dress, along with five other bridesmaid dresses to make for the event, ...
Posted by Rachel on Sun, 22 Apr 2007 06:42:00 PST

Just starting out...bear with me

Finally. Oh, God, the tears, the finding-timeness, it has come together in the mediocre form you see before you. Any of you out there that know me already are aware that I have sooo many more pic...
Posted by Rachel on Mon, 16 Apr 2007 04:29:00 PST