My interests is tearin that shit up naw well that is one thing and the other thing is, is bein a ladies man! and you know i can't forget my B-Ball thas numba 1 Fa Sho
the one person i would like to meet is Mariah Carey cause she is sooo freakin bomb!!!! (OMG) she is so bomb.
Ya Know I like to listen to all types of music like Techno, R&B and even Country all types but Rap has my the numba 1 spot in my heart for the music poportion
My favorite movies are Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory and Lion King Which Are Both Hella Tight Movies and as you can see i'm a kid at heart and will always be one so even when i'm an adult i'll still love those movies
My favorite shows are Family Guy and Dave Chepelle...oh and the OC....and i know your sayin a Black dude watchin the O.C well the reason why Ryan. that dude is just like me i'm all a bad ass kid but surronded but good people in the house so that makes me turn to good and then when i go out i'm a party/bad ass kid lol.-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- START YOUTHINK.COM QUIZ RESULTS --
Which founding member of the Justice League are you?
Green Lantern
You are Green Lantern. A strong sense of duty and honor accompany your desire to achieve justice.
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?? Which Alcoholic Drink Are You ??
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Your Porn Star Name is: Rodney Rammer
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How long do I last in bed?
by DesideroAmor
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Hours 1
Minutes 47
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Whats does your personality rate from 1-10? by morning_prayer
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Your personality rates a 11
your best quality is youre unique and you rock!
your worst quality is youre very wild
this is because youre unique
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My Heros since i really don't take heroes off the T.V i have my real life heroses that live in my house which is My Dad. .