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Goin on a Date to the Movies 20.00 dollars.... Goin on a date to Red Lobster 60.00 dollars.... Getti

About Me

I am a tight person...who loves to hang out and party it up!!! Also I love to play that B Ball NBA style not so much And 1 but i do do it in somtimes so I can be like Steve Francis who also does it with that crossover and fake-outs.
Name: Johnathan Thompkins a.k.a J-Poony
Birthdate: February 17, 1988
Birthplace: Melbourne, Florida
Current Location: Orlando, Florida
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Brown
Height: 5'8
Weight: 155
Piercings: No
Tatoos: Nope
Boyfriend/Girlfriend: Nope
Overused Phraze: CHEA
Color: RED
Animal: Dogs
Drink: Fanta (but only in Germany)
Alcohol Drink: Grey Goose and Orange Juice
Bagel: French Toast (From Panera)
Letter: J
Body Part on Opposite sex: Lips
This or That
Pepsi or Coke: Pepsi
McDonalds or BurgerKing: McDonalds
Strawberry or Watermelon: Watermelon (I'm black aren't I lol)
Hot tea or Ice tea: Ice Tea (sweetend)
Chocolate or Vanilla Chocolate
Hot Chocolate or Coffee: Coffee
Kiss or Hug: Both
Dog or Cat: Dog
Rap or Punk: don't matter
Summer or Winter: Summer
Scary Movies or Funny Movies: Funny by myself, Scary wit a girl
Love or Money: Love (always)
Bedtime: I'm a grown ass man san
Most Missed Memory: all of Middle School
Best phyiscal feature: i don't know you tell me
First Thought Waking Up: I don't want to get up
Goal for this year: To finish Valencia (College) before expected time
Best Friends: Darrien and Keith
Weakness: Females
Fears: Don't have any anymore
Heritage: Black Nigga !!!!!!
Longest relationship: To Be Determined
Ever Drank: Yes
Ever Smoked: CHEA
Pot: Hell CHEA
Ever been Drunk: FUCK YEA
Ever been beaten up: i'm not goin to lie yea i have
Ever beaten someone up: Yea i had to redeem myself ya know
Ever Shoplifted: Ummmmmmm thanks to Rickey yea lol
Ever Skinny Dipped: No but want to
Ever Kissed Opposite sex: Yea nigga i'm not gay
Been Dumped Lately: Haven't had a girl to get dumped
Favorite Eye Color: Hazel and light light Hazel
Favorite Hair Color: don't have one
Short or Long: Long
Height: from 5'0 to 5'8
Style: Attitudish
Looks or Personality: Personality
Hot or Cute Cute cause i don't use hot
Drugs and Alcohol: only weed but alcohol is ok
Muscular or Really Skinny: i don't want either but Really Skinny
Number of Regrets in the Past: None What so Ever
What country do you want to Visit: Korea, Spain, Brazil, Columbia, Venezuela, and Russia
How do you want to Die: in the middle of sex
Been to the Mall Lately: yup went yestarday
Do you like Thunderstorms: yes
Get along with your Parents: VEry Well
Health Freak: No i eat so much unhealthy stuff
Do you think your Attractive: YUP
Believe in Yourself:
Want to go to College: I'm in College
Do you Smoke: Yup
Do you Drink: Yup
Shower Daily: Sometimes 3 times a day
Been in Love: Yup
Do you Sing: Yea but it doesn't sound good
Want to get Married: Yup workin on her right now
Do you want Children:
Have your future kids names planned out: Nope
Age you wanna lose your Virginity: already did at 16
Hate anyone: Nope but i dislike someone but only one person
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My Interests

My interests is tearin that shit up naw well that is one thing and the other thing is, is bein a ladies man! and you know i can't forget my B-Ball thas numba 1 Fa Sho /MARQUEE

I'd like to meet:

the one person i would like to meet is Mariah Carey cause she is sooo freakin bomb!!!! (OMG) she is so bomb.


Ya Know I like to listen to all types of music like Techno, R&B and even Country all types but Rap has my the numba 1 spot in my heart for the music poportion P


My favorite movies are Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory and Lion King Which Are Both Hella Tight Movies and as you can see i'm a kid at heart and will always be one so even when i'm an adult i'll still love those movies


My favorite shows are Family Guy and Dave Chepelle...oh and the OC....and i know your sayin a Black dude watchin the O.C well the reason why Ryan. that dude is just like me i'm all a bad ass kid but surronded but good people in the house so that makes me turn to good and then when i go out i'm a party/bad ass kid lol.-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- START YOUTHINK.COM QUIZ RESULTS --
Which founding member of the Justice League are you?
Green Lantern
You are Green Lantern. A strong sense of duty and honor accompany your desire to achieve justice.

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How long do I last in bed? by DesideroAmor
Real Name
Birthdate (MM/DD/YY)
Favorite Color
Hours 1
Minutes 47
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Whats does your personality rate from 1-10? by morning_prayer
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Your personality rates a 11
your best quality is youre unique and you rock!
your worst quality is youre very wild
this is because youre unique
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My Heros since i really don't take heroes off the T.V i have my real life heroses that live in my house which is My Dad. .