Video games...card games...WoW, PlanetSide, Magic the gathering, Super Smash brothers melee, paintball, skating, swordplay
Well Brebe....Maggie....Lauren Massey again :P...all my old friends back home...MINA!!!!...and ill think of more people later
.. Running, having fun...taking on the world and riding a bicycle! How far would you go to impress a girl?
LotR, Matrix, Anything Anime .. width="425" height="350" ....
Computer is all I need on base anymore...screw the rest of the world...the military would rather keep us oblivious anyways...ya know, to keep our moral up haha
What Type of Person Are You? [pictures + detailed results]
The satisfied - The desireless
Not greedy by nature, the Satisfied knows of what they have achieved and earned, and feels content with that. Materialistic impulses happen rarely, if ever, and they don't value possessions and trends nearly as much as most do. The Satisfied usually have a calm personality and tend to be full of care, whether they are open with it or not. Of course they can be selfish, but their selfless nature proceeds that by far.
Downsides are that the Satisfied may be taken advantage of, in the likes of favours per se. It is in their nature to help, and they can be big push-overs when it's about injustice towards themselves. Also, since they don't want to bother their peers and close ones, they keep most of their problems inside. If this builds up they may start to suffer in silence, a completely unnecessary act.
Because they have a hard time to say no, and since people may use them, with time the Satisfied could grow hateful and distrusting. However, it appears now, that they are not. They reckon that some people are bad news and stay away from them. They stay with their own group of trusted people instead. As the Satisfied's name implies, they don't seem to have any dreams or goals. That is a perception not quite true. As any other human being, they do have them. But the difference is, that the Satisfied are content with their life even if the dream would not come true.
Quote:"It is not length of life, but depth of life." -Ralph Waldo Emerson
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What wise quote fits you? [pics]
Your wise quote is: "The best antiques are old friends" by Unknown...
Your buds is the source of your happiness (maybe not all but still). Even if it's just one, a couple or a whole group they are the ones you can't wait to see. It does not matter if you're shy with everyone else or not, with them you let your true spirit shine and can be as loud as you want. They accept you, and you love them for that.
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