tåttooêd bLòÑde tRrä$h profile picture

tåttooêd bLòÑde tRrä$h

I am here for Friends

About Me

Myspace LayoutsHello crazy world.I'm Danielle.The pleasures mine.I'm 23 and from a small boring town in long island NY.It's lame.but i am totally NOT lame.I'm one cool broad.Hmmmm what can i chat about... Ok so I'm so very obsessed with hockey and my NY RANGERS.I'm totally depressed when hockey season is over i feel like one of my close friends died.See,im a sick biitch.My male friends say im a lipstick tomboy i guess cuz im not butch or anything...im pretty feme.I love hair dryers and sparkley make-up.Sports-wise,i only like the RANGERS,GIANTS and METS.Watching a game with some chips and beers makes me happier than a pig in shit.Well,going to a game is even better..such adrenaline ahhh its so funnnnnn!!All other teams besides the ones i like and support are DEAD to me,especially the islanders.moving on... Really,you should be happy to associate yourself with me tho.See im a total dorky immature loser,but im the coolest loser you will ever meet.I'm alittle extreme...i have a strong crazy wacko personality and sometimes im sure i annoy and mabey even scare people.But i swear im totally harmless,i cant even kill a spider without apoligizing to it.See im alittle wacky.moving on... -I tell it like it is and don't beat around the bush.haha said BUSH!!...OK well see yeah im alittle ADD/ADHD and immature but i usually have in under control.I've trained myself WELL :) Ok you all might disagree but i'm pretty sure i do so blow me.I really should be medicated but i refuse to be.I have put enough drugs in my body enough as it is so it's time to cleanse and just deal with life,as scary as that fuckin sounds. Whatever i do i never wanna offend anybody.I don't like crossing the line.And you should never cross it either or i will kick you or if im feelin emotional i might cry.doubt it tho why ruin my mascara for your stupid ass. Oh the good stuff.I am not strait.I am not a lesbian,don't even call me BI...Just fucking call me DANIELLE.I have had serious boyfriends,but yeah i've also been really close with girls too.I can't help who I like.I fall in love with personalities and who the person is on the inside,so if it happens to be a guy or a girl,well thats who i want,so be it.Don't put a label or look down on me,because I will NEVER judge you,and the life that you lead.So im alittle fucked up and manic at times, but im harmless. I have made SEVERAL mistakes in my life.HARDCORE mistakes.But it's okay because I can honestly say I have learned from all of them and try to help other people before they make those same mistakes but you really have to make those mistakes for yourself sometimes. -I want the american dream.But I do not want or ask for much.Just the basics.I wanna settle down someday and have a great big happy family with a few dogs and all that warm fuzzy stuff but i want all that when im more secure and established and alittle less busy being a nutjob.haha. -i absolutely LOVE children.I think im so good with them cuz im just a big kid at heart.I'm super-maternal!!I've always had jobs working with kids,back from when i was a kid myself,starting off babysitting for neighbors.Children give me so much joy,just that priceless feeling of unconditional love,cuteness,innocence...there's nothing better than the love you feel FROM and FOR a child. -I will always listen and support you so i expect the same from you.Just get to know me for me and how awesome i am on the inside... not for all the other shit goin on with me,or by what sex i chose to fuck.For some odd reason...I come off hard.I'm soooo misunderstood.I'm alittle sarcastic,have some piercings,some tattoos and so people that are ignorant and quick to judge just assume im this weird hardore crazy bitch but really im not.Okay so im alittle fuckin wacko who isn't.I really am fucked up in so many ways but ya know what I'm a good girl with a good personality and a heart of fucking gold so i think thats all that REALLY counts.I should be a hardcore psycho bitch in a psychiatric hospitial rockin a strait jacket after all the shit i've gone thru and experienced in my 23 years of life, but im not that jaded or damaged.I have seen it,experienced it,and lived through everything that a girl should NEVER HAVE TO live through in her life.I do believe EVIL does exist among us,but there is also love,friendship,god,prayer,hope...and at the end of the day i need all of this to get me through.I cannot dwell on every trauma.You shouldn't either.Life is full of disappointment and hard times,I just live,learn and move the fuck on.Life's too short.And even alittle overrated.As bad as you think you have it...someone out there has it alot worse than you do.I realize that...so im not a big complainer.I HATE complainers.SHUT UP!! get a fucking hobby.THINK POSITIVE!!pescimism is contagious and sickening!I have several imperfections and disfunctions but i embrace every one. NOBODY is perfect.trust me, YOUR NOT!! So stop judging people.I'm judged so much its sickening.It's all good.Judge me,i love it.It just shows me how insecure you are with yourself so sock it to me i can take it but baby believe me i can also throw it right back in ya face.but...I just wont. im better than that. Well I think that's enough dirt for now im emotionally and mentally fucking exhausted...any further questions you will have to contact my attorney.or perhaps send me a message. Peace & Love *Danielle*
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My Interests

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Myspace Layouts at layoutjungle.com•chillin wit my biitches and pimps :)•strip clubs•bieng silly•being with kids•playing manhunt in the cemetary while ghosthunting(kinda wrong,but the dead know im sweet and don't mean any disrespect :)•long drives by myself with the music blasted• pretty drag queens•make-up tips from those pretty drag queens•sex•hard liquor•playing guitar•piano•blueberry iced coffee's from DD•learning about other cultures•eating•make-up •photography•scrap-booking(when im sober and bored and wanna reminisce)•jerky boys•RANGERS•METS•GIANTS•karaoke bars•old fashoned things•volunteering•blood drives•amusement parks•making prank calls•roller coasters•old fashoned stuff•bethpage village restoration•running •tattoos((i have 6)• driving around AIMLESSLY!!...honking at people :) being scared and spooked•gore and morbid stuff/movies•cemetaries•CSI• ..
Myspace Layouts at layoutjungle.com•ignorance•homophobia•pork•kracism†¢cocky people•PMS•the word hate•murderers•rapists•rudeness•diets•shopping•p ublic bathrooms•germs•malls•daddy long leg spiders•eating fish,sushi and anthing that has once swam in the sea•CLOWNS•dummies(the dumb people AND those creepy dolls :/

I'd like to meet:

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i say it and i MEAN IT...I LIKE EVERYTHING!! i love it ALL from lets get down and dirrrty REGGAE to lets get down and square dance COUNTRY...but i actually hafto admit techno kinda gives me a headache and makes me nervous.HOWEVER it was lots of fun back in the day when i was a big clubber and trippin hardcore off E.oh boy.well still the point is...MUSIC=AWESOME!!


OlD HoRRoR OrIgInaLs AREMY FAVORITE....re-makes and sequals...ehhh... i totally love anyyy hOrrOr.CoMeDy & AcTiOn fLiCkS ALL halloweens friday the 13's*texas chainsaw massacre*the shining*night of the living dead*tommy boy*elf*kindergarden cop*the departed*home alone*funny farm*white chicks*national lampoons christmas vacation*spiderman 1,2,and 3*just friends*dumb and dumber*walk the line*the wedding date*the girl next door*house of wax*meet the parents*harold and kumar go to white castle*meet the fockers*the fast n the furious*the pacifier*american pie*dirty dancing*urban cowboy*beetlejuice*goonies*overboard* last action hero*shrek*home alone*girl interrupted*willy wonka*mean girls*anaconda*bad santa* *titanic*the game*faceoff*shrek*finding nemo*stand by me*final destination* killer klowns from outer space*I LIKE EVERYTHING....JSUT NOT THOSE CHEESY LOVE/ROMANCE MOVIES WITH HAPPY HOMO ENDINGS,I'M NOT FOND OF THROWING UP.OH AND PORN WORKS TOO.PORN IS A GOOD FRIEND OF MINE :)


MOST SHOWS I WATCH TODAY ARE ALL GAY RE-RUNS.YaY!! AND IM THE BIGGEST CSI DORK ALIVE :) GET -R-DONE HORATIO CAINE!! :) •golden girls•CSI miami•everybody loves raymond•will and grace•top chef•keeping up with the kardashians(hottest sisters alive)) •dog the bounty hunter•intervention•i love NY•will and grace•yes,dear•i love lucy •grounded for life•scooby doo•the chelsea handler show•mamas family•RW/RW battles•antm•hogan knows best•the nanny• •true life•all in the family•king of queens•real world•all food network shows, i love all my gang...PAULA,TYLER,GIADA,RACHEL,MARIO,BOBBY :)•cops•snl• full house•ghost hunter/paraormal shows that give me fun nightmares!!! :/ :)CSI MIAMI-FIRST 2 SEASONS-RIP SPEEDLE, MY LOVE!!


anything "CHICKEN SOUP"... im gay i really like "self help" books. my therapist got me into them hardcore.i figure i can use all the help i can get.believe it or not they do help. i actually really love to read...and im blonde.i know. isn't it wild.and i love the bible.yes i do read it.


many people are heroes in my eyes.and i'm my own hero. judge me.

My Blog


Posted by tåttooêd bLòÑde tRrä$h on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST