Dirty Moon Frank was born in the year 2000 in Fargo, ND. DMF derived from a project called Dr. Moon Larry in 1999. It consisted of Joe Bertrand on guitar, vocals, and xylophone and Shane Bertrand on guitar, vocals, bass, and Squirts. Dr. Moon Larry recorded a CD consisting of songs like, "Rollin Lefse" and "In the Tub". Not quite happy with just a recording project, Shane and Joe set out to seek for a drummer. They found Fargo's own, Shane Block to fill the position. Dr. Moon Larry songs eventually turned into Dirty Moon Frank songs. Amogst those tunes were "Walkin With My Lady Blues", "Neanderthal Pelvic Thrust", and "N Up and Down". In 2001 Jason "Pooey" Puhalla was found to fill the lead guitar position. This is when the songwriting process got REALLY EASY. The songs pretty much fell out of us. You can get a compilation of those songs at Orange Records July 29th. Check the blog.
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