I'm Bougie profile picture

I'm Bougie

I'm not your bytch, don't hang your sh*t on me.

About Me

Well, first of all, I am the shiznit! Let's just put that on record LOL :-)Okay, so I've got my firstborn, Anthony, well on his way to a productive life in the Air Force. He is stationed in the U.K. and loving life. He hopes to get promoted to A1C in May.My baby, Brandon, just turned 16 and got his ears pierced. Has a girl. How cute! More importantly, he is doing quite well in school, as usual, and loves NJROTC. Another soon-to-be success story on the child-rearing front.I feel compelled to thank God for His grace in helping me with these boys, as I know in my heart He has been with me every step of the way with them.Now, on to the next phase in my life. Must concentrate a little more on me now. Time to get Lisa Rodriguez squared away. Time to lose the weight and step it up in the career area. Stop making excuses and letting nonsense happen. Time to shape up and focus.Eat my dust. Let's see where I am this time next year.

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Social Liberal
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Economic Liberal
(25% permissive)

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Link: The Politics Test on Ok Cupid
Also : The OkCupid Dating Persona Test
Greys Anatomy Personality Quiz

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Barack and Michelle because they are intelligent, well-spoken and a role model to Afrian American families everywhere. Look at this man, Barack Obama, who is a hands-on father to his children! Oh, yeah, and he's the first African American president...Bill Clinton, to tell him how much I admire him; Madonna, to tell the bitch she's not all she thinks she is; LL Cool J, to fulfill a few fantasies; Michael Jackson, to meet the legend who opened so many doors

My Blog

RIP Michael Jackson

Lifelong MJ fan since before Thriller or even Off The Wall. I grew up loving MJ. I have loved this man (actually, he was a little boy then!) since I remember being. Through all the years, all the hair...
Posted by on Thu, 25 Jun 2009 16:29:00 GMT

It’s Not My Problem

"I'm human.  People make mistakes, but if others want to hold on to negativity, I can't let it bother me.  At some point, they have to let go.  If they can't, it's their problem, n...
Posted by on Wed, 17 Oct 2007 07:32:00 GMT