About Me
Myspace Layouts
peteadamscreative.com ..
My Official Website ..
Photos For Sale Soon at Etsy.com at peteadamsphotography.etsy.com
My Photography Sold Here
"At Some Point The Party Turned Into A Rave"
My Band Vell-Crow
Also I have Paragon Theory T-Shirts for sale, message me if you are interested. I am going to try to get a website going to where I can sell my music and mrchandise, alongs side my bands music too
{The}Paragon Theory{Experiment}
Paragon-a model or pattern of excellence or of a particular excellence
Theory-the branch of a science or art that deals with its principles or methods, as distinguished from its practice: music theory.
Source: Dictionary.com
This is Pete Adams aka Paragon Theory I am 31 years of Age.
I am a Audio and Video Artist.I was born in Minneapolis, Minnesota in 1978. My parents moved to Louisville,KY when I was an infant. I went back to Minneapolis on my way to the west coast in the summer of 2005.
I have been interested in video film,music and recording since I was young. I can remember watching the VU meters(I still get a kick out of it) on my parents new tape recording machine, as I talked into the microphone, and watching the cassette tape reels move round and round.(I own 3 reel to reel tape machines) I remember wanting a video camera in my early years, I I bought one for myself in 2003.
It really started out when I got my first keyboard in the late 80's, it was a Realistic Concertmate Sampler(I still have it). I could sample only seconds of sound, but it kept me entertained for hours. Then I bought a Bass Guitar in 1997(STOLEN), having no idea how to play it. I did not even have an amp.
I needed an amp for my bass, so I bought a used guitar amp some vintage effect pedals were included. Realizing it was a guitar amp( it was worth it for the effect pedels I still have the delay pedal), I bought a bass amp years later. In 1998 I received another keyboard, it was a Casio 128 key MIDI keyboard.
Then in college at both Eastern Kentucky University and Vincennces University respectfully. I started experimenting with synthesizer programs like Rebirth,Absynth and Reason 2.0. Using Cool Edit Pro to record on and using my Casio MIDI keyboard as a midi controller. I need to get a nice drum machine and m-audio 16key rig next. I recently bought another sampler keyboard when I was visiting my friends in Vincennces,IN
For Christmas this year (2007) I got a looper pedal, it is really cool. It only loops up to 16seconds, but its a start. My first bass guitar got stolen in January 2008. I bought a new 5 string bass in March 2008, thanks to Brian Lynch of Common Ground.
I am currently in a band.
2nd Myspace, since someone recently hacked into our site, that did not like us
I mainly play bass, but I have also ventured
into playing drums and gutiar also. Paragon Theory is my solo project name. I was going by the name DJ Organic, which I thought was pretty cool, but for some reason there are more than FOUR DJ organic's and it just did not seem oringinal anymore. Even thought I know I thought up that name myself. I was surprized to see there was another one.
Paragon Theory will be Experimental,Electro Synth Music. I don't believe there is a such thing as "too much experimental" My music is Avante-Garde. Art is supposed to be risky, is my expression...so I hope you like it.
I work at WNIN channel 9 in Evansville, I am a TV Director. And sometimes Master Control I really LOVE my job. It's fun and I enjoy working with all the equipment to put shows on air. This is what I went to college for originally.
I direct the various government meetings aired live on WNIN cable 12., and later on channel 9.
I will have my music for sale on Myspace and PayPal. If you are interested in buying my music, message me and I will take care of it
The Music Titled "Supplement for the Dance Enthusiast" which I recorded in my dorm room while at Eastern Kentucky University, back in 2000, will be for sale, message me if you want to BUY a copy. I will be making stickers, they will be $1.00 each, I will post an image of them as soon as I get it.
For the next couple of months I will be in the studio(paragonic) working on a new project. I have an archive of music
I also plan to put up on this site. I also am working on a website where I can provide an unlimited amount of sample, of my work. I consider my work more like a piece of art, and also music. And as always, please support your local artist,musicians,actors, and DJ's.
Besides creating music I also enjoy experimenting with film and video. I am slowly working on a short that I filmed in Terrea Haute,IN. I am now working on backing up my archive video footage taken from 2003-present. Soon to come more short films.
29yZ2FuaWNwcm9kdWN0aW9ucw==">My Films ..
*note someone has used the name organicproductios, used the whole name besides the S. so please checkout
3BhcmFnb25pY3Byb2R1Y3Rpb25z">My Other You Tube Page ..
I am also a Photographer, I have broken down and I am now using a digital camera, although NOTHING compares to a film camera and darkroom developing, 10 years of working in the dark room I will NEVER get tired of it. Right now I use digital because I dont have access to a darkroom.
I am also working on T-Shirt design, for right now iron on, I plan to learn silk screen, but iron-on is cheap and easy, again no darkroom. I have made a few test t-shirts, but none I can sell because they arent my design. Once I get some orginial ideas down, then I plan to sell them. Especially "Paragon Theory" and Vell-Crow T-Shirts.
Soon Paragon Theory stickers will be available. I will sell them at a $1.00 a peice. I will also have a few non Paragon Theory stickers for sale at the same price. Contact me if you are interested.
My Morning Jacket from Tugboat Productions on Vimeo .
..page last updated: 2009.04.24 12:30