All myy haterrss, stalkerrss, & admirerss, enjoii. ♥♥♥♥
Tha name is Jessica; Have you heard of me? I'm eiqhteen; been holdin' it down since April.Sixth'91. -[LEGAL BBY]- I qraduate from wilminqton hiqh school this yearr but I'm already done witt school (earlycompletion,yo!)I repp tha [9.3.7] - {whatchu know 'bout that!} - My hometown is itty bitty; but more crunk than anyy biq cityy. I swear up and down I hate it here, but this is where my life's at, and always been, and I won't front, I luhh disss plaaace ! :]I'm a Juqqalette - & It ain't neverr gon' chanqe! If you don't like it - click tha X in tha toprightt. :] I qot madd love for alll my Juqqalo family, even tha ones I haven't met yet. ♥ That's just how it goes. :]I'm holdin' it down on my own. Singlee ; but never available. [Imma Flirt] I qot my own thinq goinn' on & I'm not even trynaa waste my time. Fuck ya'll lames! [; Hahha.O9 Piercinqs
O3 Tattoos [So far]I most likely don't like youu. Don't take it to heart; I don't like most people. I got all tha people I need in my lifee and I don't need you. Hahah. I keep tha beef outta my life - including that real beef, chicken, turkey, ham, etc. * I'm a veqaterian ; don't put no meat on my platee. Meat is murder. But I won't push being a vegetarian on you. If you eat meat, more power to youu.I'm done carinq about my past, it's behind me. Thass why I lauqhh at my mistakes - excuse me if I'm lauqhinq in your facee. [; I've chanqed a lot over tha last year. I've grown up, and qot my head in tha riqht place. I'm ready to focus on what I'm qon' do - for me.I qot a lot of haterrs. Most of them "friends" from tha pastt but I keep 'em close to tha heart, even tho they pathetiic! [keep your friends close and your enemies closer] - Go ahead and spread my name around your town; better that than your aidss! :]I'm not like anybody you've ever met before. I hold it down. I'll spit in your face is you piss me off. If you plan on fuckin' with my homies - rethink it. I ain't got no tolerance for people doin' my friends dirty. I'll shoot you in your foot, then make you walk over & apoloqize. Test me![$] unfuckwithable. [$]Show some respect, you ain't better than nobody. I'm not down with tha whole dramaa thinq anymore. If thass what you plan on brinqinn' into my life then bia biaa. I don't wantchu aroundd. - My life isn't your entertainment. Buy a TV bitchh. Better yet, qet a liife.I'll be straiqht up with you; reqardless. If that makes me a bitch, then I'm a bitch and I'm always qunna be. I don't like people tryna walk all over me. If I don't like you, you'll know. Trust and believe that; Cause I'll straiqht put tha buzz in your earr.I'll ask you for tha truthh; but I'll neverr believe you. I don't qet my hopes up because usually I jinx myself on everythinq qood that happens to me. - Don't try to play me, I'm not stupid, I'm qunna catch on. & When I do, It's qunna be all bad, I promise you that much. :]I don't trust many people, but my best friend is the best friend, ever. [britney muhfuckinn' smith.♥] This qirl was there when everyone else dipped out. I don't know what I would do without herr. She's qot my back, and I have herss - So remember that before you even think about steppin' to her. We will fuck you up. The end. ;DI don't, and will never believe in God. I believe in science - and facts. I have a lot of crazy theories on life, and death, and everythinq in between but I won't push what I think/believe on you & I expect tha same in return. You pushinq your beliefs on me only makes it ten times less believable to me.My qoal in life is to make my future much better than my past. I'm done stressinn' over my mistakes. They're permanent. I've realized that it's a lot easier to say you're madd, than to admit you're hurt. Sometimes you just have to stop carinq about the little thinqs, and move on with your life. Thinqs qet better in tha lonqrun.I'm a pretty chill person, overall.
Just don't fuck with me and we're good. (:
Anythingg else you wanna know.
Get at mee on here or on yahoo.thuqqalette
[Q’s Not G’s] (:
♥♥♥♥♥Hakuna Matata;
It means no worries. (:Leaveee Meee A Commenttt.
don't threaten me with what you think i feel.
if you could read my mind, you would be in tears.