My name is Jeremy and in small senses of the word I'm a known guy in the area . You need something or you have a problem . 9 times out of 10 you come see me . I'm a quiet person and kind of a person that works behind the scenes . I don't like alot of attention and You can usually find me seating by myself sipping some Jack Daniel's or Coffee (They both are my drinks of choice). I walk softly and carry a big stick if you know what I mean . I'll go the extra mile for you but I'm a person of very few words and Actions always speak louder . Practice what you Preach ! I was raised in Orange County Fullerton/Buena Park . Lived there my whole life until I got the crazy idea to buy my own house . Hey It's pretty nice here for the most part kinda hot but it's great ! Far enough away where people don't stop unannouced (wink wink ) and close enough for everyone to come out get drunk and hang around like a mini Las Vegas . Well I don't have any roommates here !!!! BIG PLUS !!!! I live alone so I have my privacy (wink wink hint hint) and I have no one to answer to . Been that way now for quite sometime . I'm a collector of very expensive things from Vegas and I also collect movies I'm now closing in on 2600 DVD's do the math at at least 20 bucks a pop ????? Yeah I'm pretty happy and well off . I dress for pleasure and success always in a hat and suit , always a gentleman . I'm a big Sinatra/Prince and Chris Isaaks fan . I'm a Vegas Junkie for those that don't know ask around I'm a authority on the city now . I hate Hip Hop and Reggaton so don't even start with that noise . I'm not into clubs unless it's a lounge with a jazz band . I do like 80's music and I love bars . I'm also very much into ladies who carry themselves as ladies and that means no foul or profane language and they handle themselves as adults . I don't settle for anything but someone who strives for success so no hand outs here ! I work hard for what I have and I mean to keep it mine . So if your looking for a sugar daddy keep on walking KICK ROCKS ! I have high high standards and most women can't handle that . I'm a big Buccaneer, Angels, Clippers and Sharks fan sports are a huge part of my life . I'm a real estate agent also so work is big in my life and I work hard at what I do . Hey no 9-5 here I work at least 6 days a week but I also play hard so watch out for me ............... If you have any other questions feel free to ask ..... HEY I'M WAITING ASK ALREADY!!
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