Ég heiti Ingó og er tvÃtugur ReykvÃkingur. Ég á à mjög nánu en þó kynlÃfslausu ástarsambandi við Iron Maiden, Cynic og Atheist. Ég spila á bassa à hljómsveit sem heitir Blood Feud. Ég lifi og nærist á tónlist, þá aðallega Death, Thrash, Black, Folk og Prog Metal. Hef mikinn áhuga á tónlist, sögu (þá ekki bara mannkynssögu, heldur lÃka sögu t.d. einstakra landa, staða o.þ.h.), trúarbrögðum (þó ég sé trúlaus sjálfur, en aðhyllist þó existensÃalisma að einhverju leiti, en þó ekki nógu mikið til að telja mig existensÃalista. það ætti kannski að gefa einhverja mynd af mÃnu lÃfsviðhorfi), mannfræði, félagsfræði, ferðalögum OG MORTAL KOMBAT. Ég vinn á vidjóleigu sem er geðveikt nice starf og maður þarf varla að gera rassgat. MSNið mitt er
[email protected], þú mátt alveg adda mér HEIMSKA TUSSA! >:( Böböböböböbböjeeee.
_________________________________________________My name is Ingó. I'm 20 years old and I live in ReykjavÃk, Iceland. My interests are mainly music ( most kinds of metal; Death, Thrash, Black, Prog, Folk and Heavy metal, and variations of these, i.e. Blackened Death Metal, Black/Thrash, Thrash/Death, Synphonic Black, Technical Death, Technical Thrash, Progressive Death... you get the point..). I like other kinds of music also, but I couldn't name any artists, since there are only metal and rock artists that keep me interested in their material throughout their whole carreer (except The Prodigy, I like everything they've done, been listening to them since the age of 7), but to name a few, then I would say House of Pain, Cypress Hill, Public Enemy, N.W.A, Ace of Base, 2 Unlimited, and other 80's / 90's rave/house/techno/electronica kind of things. Other interests are history, religion (though I..m an unberliever myself), anthropology, sociology, philosophy, and even a little biology (abnormalties of the human body that is). I play bass in a thrash/death metal band called Blood Feud (see top friends) and Black metal band called Chao (no myspace yet). Been playing bass for about 4 years now. My main influences are Steve Harris, Tony Choy, Sean Malone and Steve DiGiorgio. If you want to, then feel free to add me on msn,
[email protected].
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