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About Me

I Am Duncan,A genuine gentleman from the never ending pit of a town called oban,.....Before i go on there is no reason to find me scary or a threat if u just flashed past my profile,i am very much not what i *look* but,only to those who get the very bad end of the stick towards me,so basically i am a cautionless approach person,so tis cool.
my plan in the long term is to get somewhere with music or related with music,it has been in my life since i got into music at the age of 11,it runs through my veins,i love so many bands and they inspire me in ways that could make my musical creations very different at every single turn of my wants and needs in a band/song writing,i am a very nice person once u get to know me,i can talk to people easily,even though i am a little shy or come across a little quiet than the people around me,i see it is better to speak one to one or in a smaller number of people in a group instead of being over spoken,ignored,looked at in a different way by different people,dosent bother me but thats just the way it is,i play drums,like playing ps3,go on internet,msn,talk about random pish,go to gigs,with or without mates,waste time walking around the boring town of oban,gonna get out more there is so much scenery and unnoticed great things about oban i have been avoiding/ignored ,i dont have alot of hobbys or things i enjoy doing,eh play football whenever i can,meet bands,watch dvds,collect dvd..s,cd..s,magazines,meet new intresting people,check out music and give ANYTHING a chance,apart from emo,pop punk,and really shite pop music,even though alot of pop music is decent,alot of it is unbearable rubbish,dont even mind the occassional dance music,as long as it aint pure banging toones mun,you ken where i gaeing tae,eh ?
i am very open to meeting new folk and all sorts,but if u add me or choose not to talk on a level or more than a number,id advise dont waste my time,and more importantly another friend on your list.
a small insight to me,i think i wont give it all away until i speak or meet most folk on this site or more than via the internet land

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

The Creater of me and life and ask how did he/her/it do it,and most importly why ?,i believe there is something,just not a dead myth or riddle or 1 individual greater power,it freaks me out once i actually start thinking about it too much.

ALL the bands i like.

a girl who i genuinely LIKE/she LIKES me.

anyone really i can get along with and have a good time,have a good banter,bearable human being/s basically.

AND Stone Cold Steve Austin,legend.

My Blog

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