birdwatching, camping, delicious teas, Dewey decimal system, drinking fresh water, folk dancing, hammocks, journaling, libraries, long distance running but not long distance relationships, local coffee shops, long walks through the woods, meadows, nuts; specifically almonds, playing outside, poetry slams, reducing my carbon footprint, sleeping outside, spelling bees, summer camp, swings, traveling to far away lands, vegetables, wearing layers, wildflowers, yoga,
Jack and Jill
acoustic guitars and the men who play them, Band of Horses, Regina Spektor, Sufjan Stevens, Signor Rus, the Postal Service and Bright Eyes (sometimes), The Beatles, Inner Circle, Paulo Nutini, Iron and Wine, Damien Rice, Synergy, Imogene Heap, The Streets, Flobots, and D Alli
The Princess Bride, The Disney version of Robin Hood, Amelie, Plein Soleil/Purple Noon, Motorcycle Diaries, City of God, The Breakfast Club, The Butterfly and the Belljar, The Last Unicorn,
reruns of Northern Exposure on VHS and the travel channel.
currently reading: Mother Earth's Gardener's Almanac, A Small Farm in Maine, As the World Burns, Vanity Fair, The Giving Tree (on weekends)
that guy from Roots, Kunta Kinte. Levar Burton played him in the made-for-TV version.