emily profile picture


Oranges are not the Only Fruit

About Me

i will be growing gardens this summer instead of dreadlocks. i like new sweat but old sweaters. i saw an owl for the first time last night. i plan on never wearing a bra once I hit age 35. i think i would like to own a goat someday. and a bee farm. i wear heels by day and chacos by night. i like tea. i can ride my bike with no handlebars. i look like a hobo when i wear beanies. i think the world would be a sadder place without apple butter. i am happiest when i am wearing running shoes without socks. i have prophetic dreams. compost is a beautiful thing. i am unfamiliar with the term "indoor voice". and incapable of remembering the correct lyrics to songs. i like the outside better, even though supposedly its inside that counts. my body is in detroit but my heart is elsewhere.

My Interests

birdwatching, camping, delicious teas, Dewey decimal system, drinking fresh water, folk dancing, hammocks, journaling, libraries, long distance running but not long distance relationships, local coffee shops, long walks through the woods, meadows, nuts; specifically almonds, playing outside, poetry slams, reducing my carbon footprint, sleeping outside, spelling bees, summer camp, swings, traveling to far away lands, vegetables, wearing layers, wildflowers, yoga,

I'd like to meet:

Jack and Jill


acoustic guitars and the men who play them, Band of Horses, Regina Spektor, Sufjan Stevens, Signor Rus, the Postal Service and Bright Eyes (sometimes), The Beatles, Inner Circle, Paulo Nutini, Iron and Wine, Damien Rice, Synergy, Imogene Heap, The Streets, Flobots, and D Alli


The Princess Bride, The Disney version of Robin Hood, Amelie, Plein Soleil/Purple Noon, Motorcycle Diaries, City of God, The Breakfast Club, The Butterfly and the Belljar, The Last Unicorn,


reruns of Northern Exposure on VHS and the travel channel.


currently reading: Mother Earth's Gardener's Almanac, A Small Farm in Maine, As the World Burns, Vanity Fair, The Giving Tree (on weekends)


that guy from Roots, Kunta Kinte. Levar Burton played him in the made-for-TV version.

My Blog

I once had a chia pet...

editor's  note: I am trying to expand my vocabulary. I have been growing accustomed to using the word "wanton", and am familiar enough with it that I can now use it as a noun, verb, or adjec...
Posted by emily on Sat, 17 May 2008 07:42:00 PST

I wish I could say...

Ten things you wish you could say to 10 different people (no names): 1.  Before the evening of January 22, I didn't even know you existed.  Now, I can't imagine my life without you in i...
Posted by emily on Tue, 06 May 2008 07:41:00 PST

she threw herself eagerly into the paths of unsuitable men

Little did she realize, unsuitable men would come to throw themselves into her path on her morning commute to work.  Yes, I have officially hit my first pedestrian.  He was homeless and pus...
Posted by emily on Thu, 01 May 2008 08:22:00 PST

I can only

beat something into the ground for so long before it starts beating me back.I might have alot of free time on my hands this fall. Perhaps I'll take up embroidery.  That is all. ...
Posted by emily on Tue, 15 Apr 2008 06:32:00 PST

betacarotine? yes please.

I’ve consumed so many carrots this week that I think my skin is getting an orange tint.  Now I know how Paris Hilton does it...$2.99 for a 5 lb bag of baby carrots at Whole Foods. At story...
Posted by emily on Thu, 03 Apr 2008 07:27:00 PST

laughy taffy

who decided to put sprinkles in laughy taffy? I would like to shake that man/woman's hand.  Its almost as great as funfetti cake. . .almost. I feel like after being missing in action for 40 ...
Posted by emily on Tue, 25 Mar 2008 12:17:00 PST

Happy Fatness!

editor's note: I type this with sticky fingers, as I just consumed a "paczki", a Polish jelly donut packed with fat and delicious prune puree..available only in Hamtramck this one day a year...
Posted by emily on Tue, 05 Feb 2008 05:55:00 PST

Better late than...

pregnant.  That's what I told Master Tim (abbrev: MT) when I finally rolled into work a hour and a half late without his morning cup of coffee.  Not really, I don't discuss my personal ...
Posted by emily on Mon, 28 Jan 2008 08:49:00 PST

peanut butter and jelly

Mark your calendars - National Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwhich day (April 2) is fast approaching.  I am currently planning my to-do list for my lunch time hour, which will occur in approximatel...
Posted by emily on Thu, 24 Jan 2008 07:26:00 PST


My lessons in life that I've learned so far this week..and it's only Tuesday!1)  It is perfectly alright to not wash my hair for 2 days.  It is NOT ok to not    &nbs...
Posted by emily on Tue, 15 Jan 2008 01:24:00 PST