Bahram Sherwani Troop 900
Wente Scout Reservation
P.O. Box 453
Willits, CA 95490
or for packages :D
Bahram Sherwani Troop 900
Wente Scout Reservation
5401 Canyon Rd.
Willits, CA 95490
if you really want to get to know who i am you'd talk to me instead of reading this. I really don't believe you can truly know some one by reading something like this.
I'm Bahram.
Straight Edge.
I try to be polite and attempt to always speak eloquently. Especially when mad.
I can sometimes be a hypocrite.
The Awkward Turtle is the definition of my life. Even so, I don't care. I look ahead, not behind.
"I am an actor on and off stage, get to know me and you own the show" -Bahram Sherwani
^Yes I wrote that quote.
I am constantly nervous.
I love paradox, irony, and oxymoron.
I am not one to take seriously. Unless I am being serious. Many can't tell if I am being serious or kidding. This may be the reason I am considered a creep by most.
I've been through a lot in my life, if you don't believe me, tell me and I could tell you at least three stories that will change your view on me and make you understand my choices.
Ask for my AIM Screen Name if you want to talk to me more.