..*ann*.. profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

What about me...the name is Ann ...Ann de la Rosa..there's really more to me than my name..but yeah hmm...lemme see..I came to SoCal around the end of '04 from lil 'ol ..Stockton....glad that I'm here trying out new experiences in life...I believe that livin in LA will provide me the bigger perspective in how I want my life to be..it's the best place to grow and learn the do's and the don'ts in life. I love the friends that I've gained..and I miss those that I've lost touch with...I'm enjoyin the jobs I've tried out..and enjoying the opportunities I'm establishing. I'm absolutely lovin the life I'm livin and the lessons I'm learning as the years go by...I'm loving the life that's being created by my own decisions..my own choices...coz the sense of independency is totally ..priceless..!!
I'm a pretty simple gal...I enjoy the simple pleasures in life =). I'm not one to expected anything from anyone.....I'm one that hopes for the best and expect the worst out of everything... I have full apprecaition for things that comes my way and i utilize it as much as i can. I'm a true believer that things happen for a reason..even though sometimes I despise that belief..I do believe it's true. I'm a sucker for beatiful things...from flowers to stars...I love em all!!! I adore any aspects of ART...and yes call me ..CORNY.. but I love the beauty of the beach...the colors of the sunset..and how the water just captivates the exquisiteness of the entire scenery. I also enjoy looking at the veiw of the entire city from the mountains tops... andfrom time to time I get lost looking at the blanket of stars...yes I'm a true day dreamer I admit...but it's my way of relieving all the negativity I come across through my day...it's the best feeling ever to just get away from everything sometimes...Although i enjoy spontaneous night outs...I also value my time alone. I love to just chill somewhere quiet and daydream..maybe listen to some music and relax away. Another thing is that I'm a major sucker for my friends ..duh!(who isn't?!?)..lol...I always enjoy the company of my friends...so during the times i'm not daydreamin or working, i spend my time with my fremies creatin unforgettable memories =)!!... MAN! I don't think I'll be able to get through my day without 'em...coz to me..my friends are practically my LIFE!...my happiness..my strength..and my courage...my EVERYTHING!..=) Through thick n thin...I can always count on them! They are the root of my laughter..and I love to laugh... I live to laugh...and my friends are the only key to that =). And they know that I enjoy the silliest little things and my amusement is easily triggered by practically anything...lol..
Last but not least...the few last drops of info about me is that..my mind is filled with random curiosities making me a very RaNdOM person. I'm up for anything as long as it doesn't involve ..100% stupidity.......I still try to carry proper morals..but partial stupidity is always fun=P. Also, I enjoy sparking conversations with random ppl..I ..love.. meeting new faces...it's always nice to make new friends...but I don't like wasting my time with people that has no morals. I HATE fake ass snotty people...superficial backstabbin people..I only deal with REAL people..those that are down to earth and outgoing type of people..those that carries great character in them. Those who can speak their mind without jumpin the band wagon. So yeah ..FUCK.. fake people! Oh and yeah of course... I despise ..DRAMA QUEENS..! I have no time or day to deal with that shi*..I can truly say that HATE drama and I do what I can to avoid it..so don't even waste my time bringin that type of shi* my way...Well I think I just about covered it all..so i'll end it here =)

My Interests

HMm 1st thing that pops in mind is ShOppiNG....**i LoVe SHoPPiNG!!!!**
....but yeah cuttin that down coz it's a bad habit!
...what else...hmm...
and I enjoy spending time with my frieNds every weekend
...Love spendin time wit my gals at NorTHriDge

...love bowlin and just hanging out in the valley =)
...LuV hittin up the clubs once in a wHiLe
..i eNjoY crAcKin Up about silly stupid ass jokes
..soo if yOU have gOod one...pls ShaRe =)
for thos who know me well..the know that i am easily amUSed
ummZ i am FoREVEr in LOvE wiTH PiNK
..and likin the cOLoR tuRquOise ...it's so**PuRDeE!!**
...Oh and GreeN
=) i LoVe McDonald's fries
and BurgerKinG's ToO...**mmmm...YuMMiE!!**
i Love CutE PoOfY DoGGieS LIkE ouR DOg *Sn0flaKe*

...i enjoy working out and keeping fit
...it's so ReFreSHiN!!..hehe...
uHmz i LOVE white chocolate mocha with a shot of hazelnut from STARBUCKS!
...it's just **Mm..MMm..GoOd!!**
...My PaSSioN iN lIFe is DRAWING
...i love art!...
i love to the fact that i can illutstrate my perpective in my own way
..SooO AnYthiNg CreatEd by an artiStiC miND getS my AtteNTion
...I'M gettin into photography...
i love to capture the beauty in EverythiNG
..but im still in the process of learning
hoW to ShoW my viSuaL of Creativity with a camera
...heehe...and...hmm what else...
i dunno... yeah i'm out of words
...hehe.. i'll just add on more later...

I'd like to meet:

..anyone that keeps it real..View All Friends | View Blog | Add Comment







My all time favorite is
THe NoTeBoOk.....OMG!!
thE moVie waS sOOooOO
kyOote!!!!... i LovE moviES!!
UMM dOnt eVEn knOW wHeRE
to bEgiN geEz.... uMM...
i Love ThE iNCRediBLeS...
BaTmaN... CoLLaTeRaL...
... SERENDiPiTy...the sweetest thing..
hOw to LosE a Guy iN 10 DayS...
MonSters InC...
LILO AND STITCH...Toy Story...Over the Hedge
...the Incredibles.. ... ...and finding NEMO!......oh and RUNDOWN... WALKING TALL...
AND blahblahblah!!... SWEET NOVEMBER...
iTaliaN JoB...16 blocks..
... Ice AgE 1 and 2 =)
...hehe MeeT thE PaRenTs aNd MeET the FoCKeRs...
Oh YeaH ALL the BLADE moViEs and DRaCuLA 2000...
SeVeN.. ConStaNTiNE
cReePY... anD uMMWhiTe NoiSe..JuON(THE GRUDGE)
... The RiNG and thE RiNG 2... JEEPERS CREEPERS 1 n 2...
AmiTyViLLe HorroRs.... SAW... Go oN buT i ThInk I shoULd sToP heRe...HEHE...


I barely watch Tv but i like
Family Guy
Sex in the City
..and many more!


. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..


Gosh words can't even explain how thankful i am to have a best freind like you =)...you and i have gone through so much....we go way back from middle school...lol can you believe that...tha's like about 7 years!!....lol...we told everyone we were cuzzins...hehe...gosh memories =) DENG i don't even know where to start really coz i have so much to say....so many stories...from "oreos", "GOOD HAH!", to christina aguilera...hehe....but yeah i guess to minimize it i'll start out from how you're always there to help me...you always there to help me get to where needed to be...you're always watching out for me...even when you moved to the P.I. we still did our best to keep in touch with phone calls and letters =)....i looked at you as a sister...and even though i'm older than you...i still look at you as my BIG sister =)..hehe... You always know what's best for me and i truly appreciate the thoughtful look out....you're always there to listen when i needed to talk to someone...you stay truthful and honest and you say what you need to say in order to get things properly back on track for me....i don't know where i'll be without you there to help me out with things....i love you gurl....thanks for all your love and support...GOSH!!....i never thought in a million years we will end up livin together....heehe...but yeah i'm glad we are coz instead of being a phone call away...you're right there either upstairs or downstairs when i needed a friend...hehe...i will forever be thankful that i have a BEST friend like you =)...love you love you love you!!!!


We will FOreEver hold the title of "The unfadable ShoRtiEs" =)...LoL...I've known you since FrEsHMEn year...DAYUM!.. from what I recall it was from health and safety clas..THE TOPIC OF THE ICE BREAKER WAS **AHEM!..lol do you remember??...LMAO..eww!...LOL...anyways, we slowly grew closer from there...since then,you have been one of greatest friends that anyone could ever ask for...you've been there with me through the THiCknEss and the thiN..I know there were times that we weren't on proper grounds but we've managed to still keep our frendship intact...I lOve you GurL...your always there to listen when i needed someone to hear me out...you know how to find the words to ease me down....thanks for always being there for me....I miss kicken it with you...drinking it up like no other...and doing the krayzee things we do...lol...we've had our times....hopefully those won't be our last =) mwah!! love you and I miss you...I will always have your back gurl =)


man...this gurl will forever hold the stance for being one of my bestest friends ever. Even though we don't keep in touch as much since i moved, i still know that we will always be good friends. I know that when i reach a tough time you'll only be a phone call away. We have shared happy moments and sad moments, we've shared a great amounts of laughters and "experiences"..lol..From random talks about our life to the fun time we had at the club =)..friendship with you will forever be cherished in my heart....i love you gurl and i miss you!!!
hey this part is still...
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My Blog

centrum is yuckie!!

man!... thanks to mr patrick i have a whole new perspective about centrum...ewww! never will i touch that ishh!..this is why.. ...
Posted by ..*ann*.. on Wed, 23 Apr 2008 11:20:00 PST

secret santa wish list =)

hmmm... *MAC make up...>>like this one..or a blush called "peachtwist (Ss)" *hoodies...from urban, *Victoria Secret's Very Sexy perfume =) *new hair straightener  >>like this one or  >>this ...
Posted by ..*ann*.. on Wed, 12 Dec 2007 12:51:00 PST

life is short..how will u live it?

...i came across this and it got me thinking... THE DASH I read of a man who stood to speak at a funeral of a friend,he referred to the dates on her tombstone from the beginning to the end,he noted th...
Posted by ..*ann*.. on Thu, 06 Dec 2007 01:42:00 PST

summer06...fun times=)

*Vegas TriP* Get Your Own! | View Slideshow THIS WAS A F*cKN FUN a$$ week in NOrCaL!!...thanks guys..kat's birthday kickback =) Get Your Own! | View Slideshowkick back@ Jeff's place =) ...
Posted by ..*ann*.. on Thu, 11 Jan 2007 10:16:00 PST

bowlin pics with maxie chris mia jenn allan 2na and marie =)

Posted by ..*ann*.. on Fri, 25 Aug 2006 04:34:00 PST

..my dreams on the palm of my hands...

i know this is so random, what i'm about to talk about is totally out of sight....my mom called me this morning and gave me an offer....an offer beyond my belief...i dunno i'm somewhat in shock and i ...
Posted by ..*ann*.. on Mon, 17 Jul 2006 11:22:00 PST

...is this true??????

i was born on october 16th =)   Your birth on the 16th day of the month gives a sense of loneliness and generally the desire to work alone. You are relatively inflexible, and insist on your being...
Posted by ..*ann*.. on Tue, 07 Mar 2006 09:56:00 PST

Pix FrOm HoLLowEEn =)

Posted by ..*ann*.. on Fri, 11 Nov 2005 10:35:00 PST

MaRciaNo EveNt at THe GrOVe =)

Me, MaRie, anD MisS ANaZaRRy....RoaMiN arOUnd THe GroVe aftEr the MaRCiaNo EvEnT...beiNg Cam WHoREs!!....lol...=) ...
Posted by ..*ann*.. on Fri, 21 Oct 2005 09:56:00 PST

meyans debut pix

piCz fr0m MeYan'S deBut =) i'm gonna miss you guys!!...
Posted by ..*ann*.. on Mon, 03 Oct 2005 09:29:00 PST