my favorites in no special order jesus!,family,my friends!,people in general,laughing, laughing at memories,all natural crunchy peanut butter, crossword puzzles,movies,coffee,tattoos,memoirs,being me, sleeping,sheep,scarves,lost, scrabble,massages,whole foods,target,shoveling snow,snuggling,magazines,mystery shopping,making cards,buying gifts,applying lotion, learning, watching my son
muse, coldplay,the yeahyeahyeahs, owen grey, house of heroes, jimmy eat world, billie holiday, weezer,mars volta,dido,damien rice,snow patrol,regina spektor,harry conick jr, rufus wainwright, firetheft,no doubt,bright eyes, death cab,jeff anderson, dashboard confessional,the beatles,lots of musicals and intstrumental stuff....
so many. um.all m.night shyamalans,i heart huckabees,xmen, big fish, eternal sunshine, beaches,in her shoes,when harry met sally, noises off, best in show,august rush,love actually,napoleon dynamite,and more...
LOST!!!, the office,30 rock, scrubs, jeopardy,curb your enthusiasm,friends,arrested development.and ya know, the today show. and the food network, tlc, discovery channel.
the bible,c.s.lewis,douglas copeland,david sedaris,john eldredge,donald miller,a severe mercy,heavenly man,maverick mind,utmost for his highest,lots of autobiographies...