Random Random Stupid Stupid
1) What kind of car do you drive? non
2) What is the last CD you listened to? amy winehouse
3) How much free time do you have each day? quite abit most evenings
4) What is the last dream you had? ??????
5) Do you like to clean? yes
6) Are you a student? nope
7) What do you do for cash? work
8) Do you eat fruits and veggies? yes
9) Do you drive fast and take chances? no
10) Do you have a lot of friends? id like to think so
11) Do your friends care about you? yes
12) Do you ever think your coworkers may be trying to poison you? yes often
13) What is your favorite past time? watching films
14) What would you like to learn more about? psychology
15) What was the last big purchase you made? a holiday
16) What is the next big purchase you plan to make? another holiday
17) What is the biggest scam you have come across so far in life? aha
18) What depresses you? people being horrible to each other
19) Do you like your job? yes love it
20) Do you have kids? no
21) Do you like kids? yes
22) What is your favorite Nintendo game? mario kart
23) What is your second fav nintendo game? new super mario brothers
24) Do you sew? i try
25) Whats the strangest thing you've swallowed? a cricket
26) Have you ever spray painted something? nope
27) Okay no more questions ok
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