Of Course, Nature, hiking, camping, biking, golf, snow skiing, reading, and goofing around with friends
I would like to meet someone with some of the same values that I have. Family and good friends must be a part of our relationship. Someone who appreciates the great outdoors and our National and State Parks would be super. A girl that doesn't feel that she has to cover herself with makeup to look and feel good. Some women don't have to impress every one with superficial charms. It would be great to find some woman with similar interests and values, but also with her own individual uniqueness. Someone who is confident of their own independent thought. ..
Pretty much alternative, and the 80's. I have an appreciation for everything. Even Brittany Baby!
So Many, Let's See by Genre: War-Memphis Belle, Glory, Private Ryan, Patton, ToraToraTora!, 300, Battle of the Bulge, Dirty Dozen, Private York, The Patriot, Cry Havoc!, Up Periscope!,Full Metal Jacket, and variuos Documentaries Sci-Fi: War of the Worlds, Predator, Various TREK-KHAN! The good Ones ya Know, Dune, Star Wars, Blade Runner, Planet of the Apes (Original),and 2001 Human Condition: E.T., Shawshank Redemption, Schindler"s List, Zippity Doo Da! , Braveheart, Gladiator, Monsters Ball, and more
The Discovery Channel, HGTV,PBS,CSI, Heroes, Bionic Woman, Las Vegas, ER, The Office, Earl, Life and Survivor right now
Reading Fit for Life, Beauty Path, Sierra Stories ( Tales of Lake Tahoe), Intellectual Devotional, for the moment
My Dad and Me Mum!Only to be Picked Up Again -------------------- "Only to be Picked Up Again"