XxSophiexX profile picture


Love can change everything

About Me

HELLO im Sophie Things i LOVE at the moment are UNI, BEING HOME, MY MATES Hayley- whos one of the most beautiful, funny ppl & has always been there 4 me, Jenny- Cracks me up constantly & never lets you down, Kirsty- The mad one who always makes you smile, Charl- the one who i have the funniest memories with (the pillow game lol), Hannah (Meade)- My flat mate shes a really loyal friend & so hillarious, Julia & Jo- awesome girls such a giggle, Mary- Such a worrier but takes life as it comes & laughs at anyfink!!O and how cud i forget my little sis Ally... as much as we have r arguements cudnt ask for a better sis, truely unique ,PUBBIN AND CLUBBIN IT. I JUST GENERALLY LOVE MY LIFE. Things i HATE at the moment are EARLY MORNINGS,LATE NIGHTS AT WORK,LET DOWNS, and PHONE BILLS.Girly Myspace Layouts

My Interests

Long chats with my mates, Uni nites out, nites in with the folks, sunny holidays with my mates.....

I'd like to meet:

Genuine people.and to name a few celebs... Christina Aguleria, Fergie, Gwen Stefani, Sam & Mark (they make me chuckle), Adam Levine (jst love love love his voice). o and not forgettin MCFLY

My Blog

its all about me!!

please answer truthfuly!! 1.Do u like me? 2.Are we close friends? 3.Would u like 2 b more than friends? 4.Name 1 thing u like about me.. 5.Name 1 thing you dont like about me.. 6.Desc...
Posted by XxSophiexX on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST