photography, fashion, advertising, traveling,shopping, Nordies, Saks, shoes, shoes and did i mention shoes? nice jeans, handbags, seafood, sushi, hula hut, pf changs, saba blue water cafe, hanging with friends, hanging out at the lake, wakeboarding [although after an accident i am a little scared of it],the ocean and tropical vay.k's, snow skiing, swimming, toob'n the river, dancin', i don't know if the gym is an interest of mine but i drag my butt there...more often than not, three olives vodka; sometimes grey goose, and mexican martinis from iron cactus or trudy's, i love doing jager bombs with friends, my dog, my 2 nephews [the cutest little boys ever]. i of course can not forget my love for the texas aggie football team and yes i technically go to t.u. [univ. of texas] but i am an aggie at heart.
***to those of u i have sent drunken text messages to, first my apologies. my phone etiquette is rather bad when intoxicated and second, i have asked for one of these for christmas!!! ***cell phone with breathalizer... no more drunken text messages!audi's kidney's and my liver are on va-K in disneyland... they sent a postcard! (copyright colin)
i like a lot of movies....some favs that come to mind are the god's must be crazy!, steel magnolias, pearl harbor[for its cinematography], goodwill hunting, garden state, chevy chase vacation, a christmas story, the list could go on forever!
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my parents of course... i also dig lance armstrong