well well well...there's nothing interesting about me..now
what I realise bout myself is that
I'm a bit 'loud'
then last time, I guess..ye ke??or maybe lagi worst..hahaha..what do u
think??..seriously I've change a lot..now
I'm a bit 'rock'
..hik hik hik but i cange la I dun actualy miss the OLD shaz.im just a DIFFERENT person now..actualy i dun listen to rock..but is fun
punk rock
..coz it's FUN..n hidup ini mesti ceria kan .....I
luv mcD..makan slalu..not good rite..
I luv eating
..n is hard to say NO to food..hik hik hik...what
else..well overall..physically..
my height is average not that tall or short
la ..n I have a big bone..kirakan I'm big la not the petite
type..I admit la...in education, furthering in graphic
design soon..erm I was in Assunta School from primary till
secondary..n the best part,
I was in the school band
..Assunta Military Band rocks!!serious!! Anyway, my favourite past time is..eat..sleep..eat...sleep..sometimes
if rajin baru main golf.. ...well now my golf sucks la...maybe
it has been like that kot but I still have to work on it..well what else huh?? I'm a sensitive kind of gal(sometimes)..but at times they say I'm a bit snobbish..ye ke??..well dun get me wrong
I'm nice if u know me *wink* betul..hik hik. All I can say is about me is, I don't give a shit about ppl saying bad things about me..to me they are loosers but I'm TIRED when ppl say that 'U have CHANGE' ke or shaz 'WHAT HAPPENED la'...so what?? it's my life rite.it is right to be wrong sometimes kan... ...guess thats it... -peace-