This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.5 License ./Creative Commons License-- --The Invidious is a two piece collaboration that began in 1996. Nathan Dam, singer for the band Soulus, and Alan Rusch began playing together in Alan's basement after school many years ago. A small, core set of songs were written, but never recorded. Eventually, Nathan left for college and The Invidious was considered to be on indefinite hiatus. However, as tends to be the case, music drew the cousins back together in Kentucky where, having broadened interests and influences, the two began writing again. With sporratic recording sessions, some lasting mere hours, the two have unleashed a suprisingly long list of songs. Their first album, Sounds of November, was never released and only heard by a sparce audience. It consisted of twelve haunting songs including Afterimage and I'll Turn Around, both acclaimed by freinds and strangers, alike, to be radio-play hits. It is an album written during a time of discord and disappointments with many complex themes and messages hidden deep within the layers of each track. Their newest songs, Inside the Void and My Best Joke begin the second album, currently untitled. Each musician having stood the test of November has come away with new outlooks and, again, new influences that show themselves in the tone of the music.