I Need Another Job, H-E-L-P!!!
I have been looking for a second job for the last few weeks, and nobody seems to be hiring. I know it's a shitty economy and all, but this is getting ridiculous! I have about 5 years experience wait...Posted by on Wed, 10 Dec 2008 08:02:00 GMT
What Makes a Good Party?
When you go to a party or a club, and you have an incredible time -- the kind of night you remember for years, what is it that made it incredible? Let's think about this for a second: Most parti...Posted by on Sun, 27 Jan 2008 18:45:00 GMT
Heartbreaker Seven - 2.16.08 @ Elevation
Valentine's Day is next month, which means another Heartbreaker is quickly approaching! The details are begining to fall into place...the date is set for Saturday, Feb. 16, 2008 and the venue is...Posted by on Sun, 13 Jan 2008 12:36:00 GMT