About Me
hey whats up everyone! i've had this site for ever and i guess i'll finally write something about myself. i live outside of Mobile,al and im working for a great christian individualy owned company that picks up, distributes, and recycles used engine oil and a variety of other petrolium products. as you can see my life revolves around Christ. if it werent for Jesus i wouldnt be living here in alabama and i wouldnt be the happy person i am today. i grew up in houston and moved around a little to louisiana and back and here and there a few times. n e ways i have had probably hundreds and thousands of freinds over time just from moving while growing up. i was the kid that got along with everyone. i was never considered apart of any group at school because i knew and got along with all the groups...skaters, jocks, preps, punks, nerds, blacks, whites, mexicans, asians.....you name it and i was more than excepted. my freshman class when i started highshcool in Houston, tx was over 900. so that can start to tell you what i was involved in. i can tell you right now that the exceptance of Jesus Christ and the personal experience of it has far more than exceded any relationship i have ever known. i want to make this very clear I DID NOT FIND JESUS IN CHURCH! church is awesome, dont get me wrong but i have always felt God near subconsiously. i was 14 and it wasnt until this kid i became friends with told me about Jesus. i was so open to anything that when he laid the truth before me i was no fool and almost immediately surrendered my heart to God. I was by myself and when i opened my heart he IMMEDIATELY came in. after that for about 3 months i attended church with him and straitened up my act. honestly i got bored of the whole christian thing and i openly walked away even though i knew God was real and awesome. i spent the next 7 years getting into first smoking cigarettes, then drinking. then i started smoking weed and when i was 16 i started going to raves. raves are extremely drug polluted and a very deceptive place to go and hang out with freinds all night while feeling complete and feeling like it was where i belonged. this opened me to all sorts of drugs. for 2 years or more i was totally engulfed into this faulty lifestyle. i cannot even begin to tell you the destruction which overcame me and my friends at that time whether they realise it or not. i cried out to God because by the age of 20 i became a miserable person who by drinking and smoking weed was the only way i felt great about myself. for 7 years i longed to get right with God and enjoy life without all the partying and social pressures. nothing ever happened in that time except for the downward spiral i was in. it wasnt until one day i started to sense God drawing close to me. for several months i was excited because something very small was taking place. i could not describe it but i could FEEL something taking place..............there is soooo much that God has done from then til now. i am sorry but i cannot tell you the unexplainable things and encounters that i have felt and witnessed. i am now 24. it all started when i was about to turn 21. the person i am today is someone who loves life!!! i remember in that 7 year period of how depressed and desperate i was. i was angry and often i made a fool out of myself. i can testify to tell you that God is REAL and He loves you unconditionally. you must experience Him. the real i-witnesses are the ones who can say that my eyes and my hands have felt this one who we preach. thousands of others including myself have been overcome by the multitudes of encounters of Him invading the earth! if you will let him and totally respond to Him when He calls you....He WILL invade every ounce of your being. you will be FLOODED with His love that it WILL overtake you and radically transform you. we have embraced the One who embraces us. we have been overcome by the one who overcomes! to truly encounter Him is to truly desire Him. it doesnt matter who you are or what you've done. he will embrace you. Find Him because He has been hiding with the hope that His little ones would search Him out. He is the Eternal One who is the Father of brilliance, awesomeness, light, maturity, patience, peace, hope, revelation, insparation, joy, understanding, wisdom, knowledge, purity, healing, power, strength, virtue, charisma, holy presence, greatness, prosperity, treasure, royalty, acceptance, destiny, fulfillness, sweetness, flowing, grace, warmth, comfort, happiness, honor, humbleness, meekness, imaginations, immortality, increase, favor, life, respect, perfection, loyalty, expectation, counsel, encounters, obedience, color, difference, uniqueness, art, wonder, awe, expectance, covenant, access, freindship, glory, creativity, ummutable, omniscient, omnipresent, omnipotent, faithfulness, truth, goodness, mercy, miracles, wonders, reward, rightousness, comfort, salvation, sanctification, tenderness, service, unity, visitation, completion, beauty, beginnings, awe-inspiring, balance, qaulity, ambition, motivation, affection, and ofcourse the greatest of all...LOVE. this is the number one greatest cammandment toward humanity...Love your God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength!this is what i have found and openly confess and live for.