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About Me

Kayla; 16
I'm Tall, I have short blonde curly hair, and blue eyes.
I graduated from the Alaska military Youth Academy class of 2009-2
I like to play and coach volleyball, hang out with my friends, and have fun.
I Love Carlee Myers With All My Heart=] hahahaha♥
I Have to have my phone with me at all times, just in case Carlee needs me..;]
I Love turtles, the color green, and being with my friends♥
Having a good time is a priority of mine.
Family means a lot to me, especially my nephew Gavin.♥
Summer is fun, but I miss my friends.
Hiiiiii.. How are you? This Is Carlee..the one she loves from up there.. yeah.. Don't act like you're not impressed! Soooo pretty much, you have no idea what you are getting into with this girl, she is absolutely amazing! Very stubborn at times, but absolutely amazing! She is funny, and knows how to joke around, always there for you when you need her to be, and she is absolutely gorgeous! This girl has been through more than you or I could probably ever imagine, and she is stronger than I will probably ever be, and how, I don't understand. I really don't know how she does it, but I do know that I love her a ton, she's one of my very very good friends! Don't ever even think about fucking with her, because it's definantly a package deal here hombre.. soo just leave it be. I wish I could see this girl every day of my life, but that's not how this works... and it drives me crazy, but we've had our brief scuffles and what not, and we're still friends, so i don't think much can change that.. she knows exactly what I mean.. ♥Carlee..
and this is for Kayla.. Don't let anything get you down, because you are so very much better than that, you and I both know that. I love You babe!♥

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