I am KerryLynn Malik.
Everyone calls me CareBear, Malice or Caroline.
I'm what you will always want,
and what you will always have.
I do make peoples heads turn;
I do make people remember my name.
I don’t expect you to understand me,
for I will never truly understand myself.
What you see isn't always what you get.
I can be your best friend or your worst enemy.
You will never change me.
I will not take anyone’s shit.
I will tell you what I think, like it or not that is who I am.
I want to show the world
I'm more than just another teenage girl,
I want to show the world that one voice can make a difference that I can make a DIFFERENCE.
I have very high standards,
and I will not change them.
Optimism is a disease, spread it with me?
iSupport, do you?
the hearts still beat the same.
I believe that God gives you what you can handle, whether or not you choose to handle it is on you.