andyswollenbearsdeet profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

Well for starters im a mutt-mostly indian, irish, scottish, dutch, and beat. I go to city college, live in Coronado and Bonita, work for Blue Ribbon landscaping in which im a supervising assitant. I ball on occasion and i dabble in the arts. I wear sevens and some might say im in touch with my feminine side. But mostly im just gay. I like a crisp pair of denim, a t shirt one size too small, and a jamba on the go. Im pretty positive most of the time and i am extremely family orientated. I dont have any shoes just sandals. I am currently involved in an organization called the trio, which provides help to needy people in certain areas of san diego. You demand, we supply. We are always looking for members and people who need our services. Talk to Ryan Micheal Wahmoff, Kyle Devlin Hammel or myself if you want to know more. know the rest. Pieces.

My Interests

the new yorker, balling, spitting, living thats about it

I'd like to meet:

The real cups, basically any cool people


everything but ive been perusing the country selection lately


Summer Catch, some may call it an biography... i just think its a damn good movie. sleepless in seattle, gone with the jokes, end of my rope, wedding crashers, waiting


the oc, laguna beach, chappelle's show


Can't really say i have read to many good books, but let me know, maybe i am missin out


the members of my family pun