I am here for Dating, Friends and Networking

About Me

im an asshole....just ask my mother....... i spend my days duckin bill collectors and infrequently attending college classes....ill graduate someday classic cars[i have 2 or 3 at the moment] junkie ....misanthropic.... random...mildly insane...i dont collect myspacefriends like baseball cards, in fact i dont even collect fuckin baseball cards, so dont even bother sending a damn friends request if i dont know you, thats what messages are for"We were raised on television to believe that we'd all be millionares, and movie gods, and rock stars, but we won't. And we're starting to figure that out......and we are very, very pissed off."..

My Interests in interests..... besides these two things? angelina jolie, bats, bdsm, bettie page, biting, black, black flag, blood, blue velvet, body modification, bondage, books, boots, bunda, cadillacs, caffeine, candles, cemetaries, chains, chuck palahniuk, classic american cars, clubs, CLUTCH, comics, concerts, corpses, corsets, cristina ricci, crucifixes, cthulu, diversity, diy, dogma, domination, dope, eccentricity, edgar allan poe, electrial tape, evil dead, fetishism, film, fire, free expression, free thinking, gags, gargoyles, gas masks, gm, grain, gravestones, graveyards, guns, halloween, hate, hearses, horror, horror movies, house of 1000 corpses, incense, indie films, individualism, ink, jager, jhonen vasquez, jthm, junkyards, kink, kinkiness, knives, kurt vonnegut, latex, leather, marquis de sade, metal, misfits, new jersey, night, nova, october, outcasts, pain, photography, pissing people off, polyamory, porn, psychology, pvc, RANDOMNESS, razorblades, reading, road warrior, rob zombie, robert deniro, rollins band, rope, s&m, sadism, sadomasochism, samhain, self destruction, serial killers, sheri moon, sick of it all, skulls, squee, stripes, thrift stores, tool, vamperotica, view askew, vintage muscle cars, vinyl, wierdos, wwii, xota, zombies, most anything post-apocolyptic

I'd like to meet:

if yr a scenester, if you like drama, enjoyed the movie 'napoleon dynamite' or are a country music fan, kindly fuck off cuz id much rather peel back my skin than spend time with you. besides that; basically anyone i can stand talking to for more than 15 min...........................................

Music: flag, in flames, the misfits[not that reunion shit], nin, elvis, the ramones, the rolling stones, reznor, mushroomhead, sabbath, clutch, gwar, bella morte, static-x, alice in chains, white zombie ....ill finish this later


the road warrior, fight club, goodfellas, scarface, the shining, clerks, shaft, escape from new york, city of god, boondock saints, potc, a clockwork orange, donnie darko, full metal jacket, american psycho, mad max, goonies, 12 monkies, junk, clerks, chasing amy [anything kevin smith], fear and loathing in las vegas, american beauty, rules of attraction, city of god, basically any flick with zombies, slc punk, freeway 2, lotr, the fisher king, the breakfast club, house of 1000 corpses, american beauty, the great escape,breakfast of champions, the devils rejects, evil dead, army of darkness, rocky horror picture show, anything directed by the coen brothers, ANYTHING with vincent price


law and order, the simpsons, familyguy, futurama, the sopranos, overhaulin, rides


random volumes on the history of diffrent cultures &/or WW2, edgar rice burroughs, bret easton ellis, richard matheson, hunter s. thompson, stephen king, douglas adams, & anything by this guy:


What Member of GWAR are you?
You are Jizmak Da Gusha! Master of the drums for a reason, you beat the shit out of everything and everyone, even yourself sometimes... y'know if you're alone. You often black out in wierd places and wake up surrounded by dead stuff... RAWK!
Take this quiz !

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My Blog


its good to be back in ct again.  tho after driving over 7hrs, then pulling into your driveway to discover the trees behind your house are on fire, not so cool.
Posted by THIS HIGHWAY NEVER FUCKING ENDS on Thu, 02 Nov 2006 12:04:00 PST

taking stock

ive concluded that ive become entirely too nice recently. some of the people that ive become aquainted with have few if any redeeming qualities and basically it occurs to me that spending ti...
Posted by THIS HIGHWAY NEVER FUCKING ENDS on Sat, 19 Nov 2005 08:45:00 PST

10 0011 10 10 11

you are so fucking painfully boring id like to punch your head in till its all mashed up, jus brains and skull fragments, like a biiiiiig ol plate of nachos and salsa. hmmmm....i could really go ...
Posted by THIS HIGHWAY NEVER FUCKING ENDS on Wed, 12 Oct 2005 11:13:00 PST

check out the new ride bitches

<img src=" SHIT/79hearse_3300.jpg" alt="Image hosted by"> better pics to follow...  ...
Posted by THIS HIGHWAY NEVER FUCKING ENDS on Fri, 30 Sep 2005 09:46:00 PST

space monkey

01. Who are you?02. Are we friends?03. How many times have we like, done it?04. When and how did we meet?05. Do you (or did you ever) have a crush on me?06. Would you kiss me?07. If you think you hurt...
Posted by THIS HIGHWAY NEVER FUCKING ENDS on Sat, 20 Aug 2005 11:14:00 PST


i feel like i just woke up a few days ago....for the first time in several months im feeling more than one of three emotions again......its as if my life has become really fuckin vivid all of the sudd...
Posted by THIS HIGHWAY NEVER FUCKING ENDS on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


OH YEA ISNT MYSPACE COOLok so that was another sleepless nightanyone know of any home brain surgery kits? i have some tinkering to doand a fair number of things i want removedplus im really hating cig...
Posted by THIS HIGHWAY NEVER FUCKING ENDS on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

ya know what i really love........

I love NyQuil. Man, I love it! I love it. I love it. I love it. It's the best thing shit ever invented. Isn't it, huh? I love the name alone. NyQuil - Capitol N, small Y, big fucking Q! I love that fu...
Posted by THIS HIGHWAY NEVER FUCKING ENDS on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

oh! oh! read THIS!

do you really think i give a fuck?
Posted by THIS HIGHWAY NEVER FUCKING ENDS on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

chiller con

goin to chiller tomorrow [well today]...i promised myself id get some sleep, but it dont fuckin seem to be happening. too many weird coincidences lately, the feeling that im involved in some cosmic j...
Posted by THIS HIGHWAY NEVER FUCKING ENDS on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST