Candles, Tea, wind, storms, old things, ruins, clouds, peace, wild landscapes, green, musical,music art instruction, cats, birds, being lazy, fresh snow on streets in the morning,MSN, grey, goose skin of beautiful music, unusual words, schokolat with Nougat in it,
good books, weird shops, 2nd hand shops, wild gardens, Karaoke,Butterflies,spontaneous people, dreamcatchers, photo process, simply times- breathe deeply and contently it, Forest, art, fashion, Pommes, 70's, toy, fairy tales, the Middle Ages, Viktoriani, languages, Elfen, unichorns, baroque, moos, feathers/springs, nature, night life,Umbrellas,Fanta orange,.. drawing, Comics, photography, fantasy, philosophy, psychology, mythology..[LOVEMYFLASH]