UNDER SATAN'S SUN is a new female-fronted 6-piece metal band out of New York City -- 2 singers who are sisters plus instrumentalists from backgrounds as diverse as NYC itself. The band name is taken from an early 20th century French existential/religious treatise in which an estranged priest meets with the devil Himself in a battle of wits; the outcome: darkness and the void.
Thematically, the band actualizes the harsh intersection of the physical and the metaphysical. Religious queries and sexuality intertwine in reverence of the primeval urges of the human flesh, as well as the drive to transcend all such vulgarities in solitary pursuit of the non-corporeal. Musically, the songs are strongly influenced by folk traditions engaging love and the earth, as well as the harsher aspects of urban wasted life characteristic of the band’s milieu. Each song is based on a strong vocal melody and the mangled interpretation of its dissolution into a sea of unbridled passion. The members of Under Satan’s Sun seek to connect with their audience on a fundamental level by communicating about those things to which we can all relate: love and loss, sex and its abuse, and the despair of being alone.
"Under Satan's Sun is a very impressive new local outfit that combines the shriek and stomp of old-school black metal, with eerie, Renaissance-esque chanting and gorgeous dual guitar filigree." - Time Out New York