TELL ME ABOUT YOURSELF: The Modified, Longer Survey
Name:: John Alexander Harvey Jr.
Birthday:: 2-11-85
Birthplace:: Rockford,IL
Current Location:: Rockford,IL
Marital Status:: Single
Parents still together:: Hell nah not since i was Five...
Siblings:: Two older Sisters
Pets:: Nah
~~~Physical Stuff~~~
Eye Color:: Brn
Hair Color:: Blk/Brn
Height:: "5-10"
Right handed or left handed:: Right
Your Heritage:: Blk/West Indian
Your Best Physical Feature:: Lips
Number of Piercings:: Nun
Number of Tattoos:: Two
Shoe Size:: 10 and a /
~~~The Light Side~~~
The Shoes You Wore Today:: Number 11 Mikes Blue/White/Gray!!!
Your Perfect Pizza:: Bar-B-Q...Chicken
Your Most Overused Phrase On an instant messenger:: Brb...or Lol :)
Your Bedtime:: 4 a.m.
Are you a Health Freak:: Yep
Number of CDs I own:: Alot...
~~~The Deep Stuff~~~
Your Weakness:: Liteskin Chicks...DAMMMMMMMMMMMMMN
Your Fears:: God
Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Year:: Get a record Deal...
Thoughts First Waking Up:: W-T-F???
Your Most Missed Memory:: Fla...
How do you want to Die:: In my Sleep...
What do you want to be when you Grow Up:: A rap artist...i'm Dry Ice!!!
What country would you most like to Visit:: United Kingdom
Number of Drugs I have taken:: 2...
Number of things in my Past I Regret:: Nuth'n
Pepsi or Coke:: Sprite
McDonalds or Burger King:: Mc-E-Deez...
Single or Group Dates:: Single...No haters @ all ya dig!!!
Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea:: Nah
Chocolate or Vanilla:: Nah
Cappuccino or Coffee:: Nah
Color:: Baby Blue
Number:: 11
Animal:: Black Panther...
Drinks:: M.G.D.
Soda:: Sprite...did'nt i just sat That???
Book:: XXL..or King
Flower:: Nah
~~~~~ARE YOU A~~~~~
Daydreamer:: Yep
Bitch/Asshole:: Asshole
Sarcastic:: Hell Yhea...
Angel:: Nah
Devil:: Sumtimes
Shy:: Yep
Talkative:: Nah...unless i like you alot or i'm Drunk!!!
~~~~~HAVE YOU~~~~~
Ever been drunk:: Yep
Lied to someone:: Yep...but not alot :)
Made out with someone who was JUST a friend:: Yep
Kicked someone in the nuts:: Nah
Been in a fist fight:: Yep
Ever been beaten up:: Yep by my mama...
Considered a life of crime:: Yep...that used 2-b Me!!!
Considered being a hooker:: Nah...but a pimp Yheeeeeeeeea :)
Ever shoplifted:: Yep @ 13 ha ha ha...
Held a gun:: Alot
~~~~~DO YOU~~~~~
Smoke:: Yep
Swear:: Yep
Sing:: Yep...on my Hooks!!!
Shower daily:: Yep
Want to go to college:: Nah
Want to get married:: May-b...
Believe in yourself:: Yep
Get motion sickness:: Yep
Think you are attractive:: Yep...i think i'm Aiite :)
Get along with your parents:: Alil Bit
Like thunderstorms:: Yep
Play an instrument:: Sumtimes...@ C.Howard Crib HA HA HA!!!
Color your hair:: Nah
Twirl your hair:: Nah
Cheat on tests/homework:: Nah
Drink:: Yep...
Like roller coasters:: Nah
Wish you could live somewhere else:: Everyday :)
Want more piercings:: Nah
Like cleaning:: Yep
Write in cursive or print:: Both...but mostly Print!!!
Own a web cam:: Nah
Know how to drive:: Yep
Own a cell phone:: Yep...2 of Em!!!
Ever get off the damn computer:: Nah...unless i wanna fuck,or write a rap :)
Do drugs:: Yep
Believe there is life on other planets:: Hell Yhea...there's 2 many of Em!!!
Read the newspaper:: Nah...i like the News wink wink
Have any gay or lesbian friends:: Nah
Believe in miracles:: Yep...Me!!!
Do well in school:: Yep...i did :)
Wear hats:: Alot
Hate yourself:: Nah
Have an obsession:: Yep...Rap!!!
Collect anything:: Yep...beats and chicks lol :)
Have a best friend:: Nah
Close friends:: My Gun
Like your handwriting:: Yep...it's very Neat (NO HOMO)
Care about looks:: Yep
~~~In The Past Month~~~
Have you drank alcohol:: Yep
Have you smoked:: Yep...but i quit weed about a month Ago :(
Have you been on drugs:: Yep
Have you gone on a date:: Yep
Have you gone to a mall:: Alot...
Have you eaten a box of Oreos:: Yep
Have you eaten sushi:: Nah...Never!!!
Have you been on stage:: Yep...i'm a rap Artist
Have you been dumped:: Nah
Have you gone skinny dipping:: Nah
Have you stolen anything:: Yep...
Last book you read:: The king mag with Vida on the Cover :)
Last movie you saw:: Get rich or die Try'n
Last thing you ate:: Baby Ruth...
Last person you talked to on the phone:: Marie :)
Current clothing:: Wife beater...blue jeans and Socks!!!
Current mood:: Fuck You...
Current taste:: Great
What you currently smell like:: A newport 1OO fresh out the Box...
Current hair:: Pony Tail (NO HOMO)
Current thing you ought to be doing:: writing a verse...
Current CD in stereo:: Best Kept Secret...by yours Truly :)
Have you been in love:: Nah
Have you been in lust:: Alot
Ever been called a tease:: Yep...All the Time :)
Do you believe in love at first sight:: Yep
Do you believe in "the one":: Yep
Are you too shy to make the first move:: Yep...unless i'm mad horny!!!
First crush:: 7th grade health teacher Miss.Long :)
First kiss:: 6 years Old...REAL TALK///NOT MY MAMA!!!
Do you remember your first love:: Nah
Do you still love him/her:: Nah
~~~What you look for in a boy/girl~~~
Favorite eye color:: Hazel...or light Brn
Favorite hair color:: Blk or Brn...or Blonde ya dig!!!
Short or long hair:: Longer than Mine
Height:: "5-2" to like "5-9" but "5-5" is perfect...
Weight:: Not 2 chunky...but thick,i like em skinny 2 :)
Clothing style:: Fresh-2-Death...is a Must!!!
Personality:: Koo as Ice
~~~The Bad Stuff~~~
Have you ever used someone:: Nah
Have you ever been used:: Yep..
Have you ever been cheated on:: Nah...not that i know of Lol!!!
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