I enjoy anything that challenges me mentally or physically. Also i enjoy Horseback riding (especially jumping and Dressage), Anything outdoors, Swimming, Camping, Hiking, ect. I would even have to say just hanging out with friends and drinking.
Shit anyone im sober enough to remember! Mr. Jack Daniels Jimi Hendrix Marilyn Monroe You get the idea!
Anything and everything, however, my favorites are the Beatles, both John Lennon and Paul when they were on their own (Imagine is the best song ever), Eric Clapton,Jim Croce, James Taylor, Lynard Skinnard, Pink Floyd, Jimmi Hendrix, Bob Marley, Dave Mathews, O.A.R. and those are just a few.
Suspense thrillers, comedy, action, and of course scary movies but i can dig a chick flick if im watching it with a girl. Some of the best are Casablanca (you got to respect the oldies), Star Wars ( I know its sad but it did set the standard for special effects back in the late 70's) Brave Heart, Gladiator, A beautiful mind, The Blues Brothers and Animal House just to list a few.
Family Guy, That 70's Show, The Simpsons, South Park, Every now and then my girlfriend makes me watch nip tuck and i cant stand any of that reality telivision crap. Truth is American idol can bite my ass. Suvivor is crap and whatever happened to MTV i thought it was music television...shit all it has become is shity ass road rules real world drama.
Novels by Ernest Hemmingway and A farewell to arms being one of his of his best pieces of work. Poetry in General and play writes. Invictus is one of my favorite poems of all times not to mention any of Robert Frost's works. I also enjoy Edgar Allen Poe and Shakespear. Hamlet was awsome and as far as one of my favorite books i would have to say it is Fallen Angels.
Rick from the movie Casablanca, he was the first true ladies man.