House music, love to dj, snowboarding, wakeboarding, boating, rock climbing, drinkin @ bars & clubin, dancing. Love sushi ;P I like to skate arown town and go camping.
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Angelina Jolie so I can try to feel those lips. I think Gwen is fine.On myspace I'd like to meet all my f..@kin friends that made me get on this. And anyone else that is active and has some good imput and dont mind someone that spells bad.
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Anything with a good beat or anyone who has a good voice. I don't like country, although there is one or two songs I'll admit I like. Besides house, alternative, punk, underground hip hop & some rap only for the beats though.
Comedy, horror, some action. sci-fi. Amittyville Horror, Run Ronnie Run, the Incredibles, Star Wars, Napoleon of course, House of 1000 Corpses, Grease, Scarface, Dusk till Dawn, you get the picture.
Nip tuk,24,Grays A,Dave Chapelle, 24, CSI, South Park, the Sopranos when they were on, Family Guy, Simpsons, That 70's show.
I like non-fiction. True crime stories. Inspirational novels ..This profile was edited with Thomas' myspace editor™ V2.5
My Mom