*R.I.P. PHIL* profile picture


About Me

LIFE IS LIFE - live it. love it. n JUS PHACKIN ENJOY YASEN FOLKS!!! Joe Von Dutch, Jooooe Blok, Dagistan, Diamond Joe (deidcated to Joss) beautiful sexy boy(;p) - woteva u kno me as - i finally fell for this myspace trendy koolness. friends are priceless (yeh i did jus go there) they r the fuckin stuff, and yes i have the cheeeeesiest sayin eva: i don't have best friends coz all me m8s r the best LMAO. laff but its true. i actually do adore you all.kool. am dun.skool bak in the day, college was the shiznit - uni is now the shizzle = yeh safe ta say i love my life http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1dmVU08zVpA&eurl=http%3A% 2F%2Fprofile%2Emyspace%2Ecom%2Findex%2Ecfm%3Ffuseaction%3Dus er%2Eviewprofile%26friendid%3D10006561***Your Love Style is Agape***You are a caring, kind, and selfless partner. Unsurprisingly, your love style is the most rare. You are willing to sacrfice your world for your sweetie. Except it doesn't really feel like sacrifice to you. For you, nothing feels better than giving to the one you love.What's Your Love Style? http://www.blogthings.com/whatsyourlovestylequiz/

My Interests

Acting n drama, wen i grow up i'm gona b n actor (i hope)people n places r very interestin. difference and new stuff. Sport - England n Nottingham Forest 'U REEEDS!'the sun, although wudn't recommend starin @ it - coz of it warmth n its energy; plus its incredible ability to reduce womens clothing  Your results:
You are Superman Superman 70% The Flash 70% Robin 64% Green Lantern 60% Iron Man 60% Supergirl 57% Wonder Woman 52% Spider-Man 50% Hulk 40% Catwoman 40% Batman 35% You are mild-mannered, good,
strong and you love to help others.
Click here to take the "Which Superhero are you?" quiz...

I'd like to meet:

peeps, u. a heroea real-life Quagmire, someone famousCoco the monkey http://www.killsometime.com/Audio/Audio-Clip.asp?ID=9

I changed my font at pyzam.com

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5ALPieinXIw&eurl=http%3A% 2F%2Fprofile%2Emyspace%2Ecom%2Findex%2Ecfm%3Ffuseaction%3Dus er%2Eviewprofile%26friendid%3D131571205%26MyToken%3D8f2e486e %2Db6cc%2D4015%2D899


hmmmmm like bita evryfin really.i love 80's, but 90's too, and then theres 2000's. awww geez all music (music generally - dn't fink 1 cud live wivout musicok, a few artists - here goes:A-ha, ABC, Aerosmith, Adam and the Ants, Akon, Aaliyah, AFI, Afrika Bambaataa, Aim, Alicia Keys, Ali G, Amerie, Amy Winehouse, Andreas Johnson, Andy Williams, Aphex Twin, Angel City, Arctic Monkeys, Ashanti, Athlete, Armand Van Helden, Audio Bully's, Average White Band, Babyshambles, Barbera Streisand, Basement Jaxx, Beanie Man, Beatfreakz, The Beatles, The Beachboys, Benny Benassi, Berlin, Biggie Smalls, Billy Ocean, Bjork, Black Eyed Peas, Blink 182, Bloc Party, Blur, Bob Sinclair, Bobby Valentino, Body Rox, Bon Jovi, bone Thugz n' Harmony, Booty Luv, Boogie Pimps, Boston, Bowling for Soup, Bronski Beat, Bryan Adams, Cafe Del Mar, Calvin Harris, Camilla Jones, Cassidy, Cassie, Chemical Brothers, Chesney Hawkes, Chris Brown, Ciara, Coldplay, Commander Tom, Cream, Daddy Yankee, Damien Marley, Dave McCullen, David Bowie, David Guetta, David Byrne, DB Boulevard, Dead Sixties, Deftones, Dennis Brown, Deepest Blue, Depeche Mode, Destiny's Child, d'Explicit, Dido, Dire Straits, Dirty Pretty Things, Divynils, Dizzee Rascal, DJ Mystik, DMX, Donna Summers, Dr Dre, Duran Duran, ELO.... oook i got bored, will complete in time....


D'oh! faaar toooooooooo many to list


Trigger Happy Tv is jus pure genius. Little Britain too.  jus to help that drunken mornin-afta hang-ova an make it worse - Hollyoaks Balls Of Steel Series 2 - Neg Keep Out

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BANKSY - Wall and Piece, We need ta talk about Kevin, I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4 !!


i fink just about every single one of my friends. i love them all.my organiser and social sorter.   Harrison Ford ,Jeff Goldbloom, Johnny Depp, Dom Jolly Jim Carrey, Robin Williams Keanu Reeeves - awesum phackin actors i wud love to be like these guys in the future! (am sure alora peeps wudn't mind it eifa) annnnd Colin MUrrrrray from Radio 1 - worra legend his accent simply astounds me (if that makes sense)Neg - balls of steelBANKSY