Out of the collision between the quest for more flexibility, self-fulfillment, and opportunity to develop our full potential and the wild economic swings, the increasingly rapid technological changes, the uncertainty, and the confusion is emerging a new breed of worker: the ronin. Who are ronin? We are everywhere, emerging in every industry and in every walk of life. Perhaps even you, yourself, are an emerging ronin.Ronin look like other people. The difference is in attitude and life planning strategy. Ronin project an aura of autonomy, of being guided from within. They take command and direct their lives. Ronin do not seek security in one job, in one place, doing one thing. Ronin don't just react to change; they take the initiative and direct their lives.Guided by the belief that change is the only constant, ronin develop skills, attitudes, and habits of mind that become adaptable instruments of continuous change and growth. Ronin do not exhibit fealty to organizational goals, but strive instead for excellence through accomplishing project goals, even if it means going against The Company Way, as it often does.Like Paladin, the frontier gunslinger whose famed calling card read "Have Gun, Will Travel," ronin use their skills, whether they be sword fighting, gunslinging, selling, doctoring, or teaching, as tickets to adventure. For ronin, one's career is an adventure of self-realizationódeveloping oneself to the fullest by encountering and overcoming challenges and risk.Being able to change, ronin do not resist, but expect change instead and prepare by developing a broad base of expertise and skills. Ronin do not pay allegiance to any one career track or organization, instead they use their interests as a guide, following one, then another to become generalists with many specialties. Ronin can wear many hatsóand often doóbring their diverse skills together in creative and profitable ways.So while the linear-track specialists lose the capacity to adapt, which is so essential in our changing world, ronin are able to reorient themselves when the economy takes a downswing putting them out of work or if technologies change making their specialties obsolete. They are ready to catch the wave when the economy surges and opportunities abound. Ronin have a basic confidence, a sense of potency or personal power. This is their security. Ronin believe they will be able to deal adequately with whatever might arise and will be able to earn the money they need.As ronin advance along their irregular career paths, gaining more experience and more expertise, options multiply. When blocked in an existing job with no place for advancement, ronin move laterally to any number of directions. Ronin are resistant to job burnout and suffer less trauma and psychological setback when they are passed over for promotion or miss out on a desired job. Viewing life as a voyage of exploration, ronin welcome unexpected turns. Changes, even negative ones, are accepted as opportunities to conquer new challenges.Ronin do not measure success by the rungs on the ladder or the digits on the paycheck. For like their ancient prototype, they are accountable to their own standards based on growth and realization. In contrast to linear careerists, especially those on the fast track, who often picture their accomplishments on a football-type scoreboard, ronin view their lives as a giant canvas upon which they, the artist, paint with each experience.When working in organizations, ronin are not as vulnerable as linear specialists to organizational control because their sense of confidence and autonomy are vital buffers. Although ronin don't like layoffs, cutbacks, or being fired, they know they can survive them.Ronin view themselves, much like a vendor or independent contractor, as working for themselves within the company. Stated another way they work through the company, not for itóthey partner with their employers. Ronin integrate their personal goals with company goals. Although ronin like comforts and the good things that money can buy, obtaining these is not their primary motivator. Instead, they are propelled by the quest for self-development, expression, adventure and meaningfulness.
Kate Ryan - Alive http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LSGnFE0t7lE