Lindsay Loves Law =D profile picture

Lindsay Loves Law =D

LoveYouSoMuchSamantha 3

About Me

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My Interests

*Love being with the misses a.k.a Samantha Jaye Law I Love Her To Bits 3* *Not very often but sometimes love a gamble (bobby dixons)* *Down the rec with lads bit of footie (dollaz 110% effort)* *Play for fulbourn institute (Raggy Ass Rovers) on the saturdays, We can just manage 2 passes together* *Do a santa in me whip* *Kill El-tel bout his jelly beans*

I'd like to meet:

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* Im in a band called "Melted Cheese" with mc Barnizzle,Jelly Bean El-Tel (Who Flicks His Nipples & Makes Every Tune You Know) Me a.k,a faith SFX the beatboxer & Shinny who plays the triangle.*


*Shaw Shank Redemption*_Thats got to be 1 of the best films eva!


all about *Only Fools & Horses*


*Wheres Wally* - (guilty)

