im intersted in everything...but maybe thats just coz my teacher has B.O stains on all her clothes(very distracting))... i hate heavy metal music...homosexuality ewh...drugs...nagging mums...and hhmmm lets see...nah that's all i can think of! I love...u can figure it out urself...i make everything obvious apparently!!! me I mean everything...from Opera, hip-hop, top40, nigger beats, country, a bit of jazz, musicals...and anything that tickles my pickle - cant go past the 60's 70's and 80's...stuff the 90's they tried to beat the 80's just wasnt going to happen! WAIT A MINUTE...ONE TYPE OF MUSIC THAT I CANT STAND IS THAT STUPID STUFF CALLED HEAVY METAL OR DEATH METAL..I MEAN WHY DO THEY EVEN CALL THAT MUSIC...DID SOMEONE STAND ON A CATS TAIL!!!
"THE NOTEBOOK" - wins every prize!!!I WILL NEVER STOP LOVING 'The Sound of Music'...SORRY BUT ITS ALWAYS BEEN MY FAV MOVIE...and other than that i like almost any movie wit a good actor, bit of romance, lots of laughs and an all round FUN MOVIE!!!
i no longer watch anything that i know i will get totally hooked on!!It happens ..smeh!!xoxo
reading hhhmmm unfortunately that just doesnt fit into my schedule!!!I READ A BOOK EVERYONE...a mills and boon haha...the sexy thing is...i can see that romance story happening to me later...
I LOVE MY MUM...AND I LOVE ANY SEXY MAN THAT PULLS ME INTO HIS ARMS (at the right time and moment of course)...and uses his own imagination from here on