Polpo Motel profile picture

Polpo Motel

The language of gold is the only esperanto!

About Me

Polpo Motel met ages ago and instantly decided to form a band together and then had been waiting for ages until this really happened. Despite extremely different experience they somehow manage to speak the same language. Olga's classical education is still a work in progress and she performs as a soloist in numerous ensembles that specialise in stylish performance of baroque music. Yet, for this project she doesn't use the opera voice (which combination she deems utterly ugly and immensely inappropriate). Having spent several years in music schools, Daniel thought he'd be far better off sitting behind a keyboard than behind a piano, so first he joined Pustki and now he shares his time between Polpo Motel and Elektrolot (which he forms together with Marcin Zietek on fretless bass and Maria Peszek at the microphone).//////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4

My Interests


Member Since: 12/8/2006
Band Members: Olga Myslowska - vocals Daniel Pigonski - keyboards
Sounds Like: soap bubbles meet menacing nightmares;psychotic wunderkind meets Dorian Gray;unfettered spontaneousness meets aesthetising melancholy;cardinal Richelieu meets New Kids on the Block
Record Label: Lado ABC
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

Polpo w telewizji!

4 marca o 23h20 w TVP2 pojawimy sie w programie "Wzmacniacz", zmeczeni i rozkojarzeni po kilku godzinach nagran, zapraszamy do ogladania!!!
Posted by Polpo Motel on Sun, 25 Feb 2007 04:02:00 PST

Wszyscy jestesmy chytrusami

Po czasie frustracji i marazmu, zapraszamy (wreszcie) na koncert! Przez ostatni miesiac nie zrobilismy prawie nic, napisalismy jedna piosenke i dosc niemrawo walczylismy z zima (ktora przybrala postac...
Posted by Polpo Motel on Wed, 07 Feb 2007 04:09:00 PST

Polpo w eterze leczy chorobe pomyslowa!!!

Mamy zaszczyt poinformowac, ze w poniedzialek o godzinie 19:30 zagoscimy na internetowej antenie Team Radia, w audycji pod wiele mówiacym tytulem "Pomyslowo Chorzy". Bedzie mozna posluchac naszyc...
Posted by Polpo Motel on Sun, 28 Jan 2007 02:52:00 PST

Swieta z Polpo

Zeby stworzyc Wam (i sobie) idealny pretekst do wyjscia z domu w momencie bozonarodzeniowego przeciazenia, gramy koncert na Chlodnej 25 w drugi dzien swiat. Nawet specjalnie napisalismy wczoraj k...
Posted by Polpo Motel on Sun, 24 Dec 2006 05:07:00 PST

Polpo na Nocy Poetów

Jutro gramy podczas Nocy Poetów w Trafficu okolo 20h00. Najpierw neolingwisci czytaja wiersze, potem wchodzimy my, z keyboardami zabaweczkami, krzeslem barowym i srebrnymi trampkami....
Posted by Polpo Motel on Fri, 08 Dec 2006 03:05:00 PST