I'd like to meet:
JoHnNY dEpP......JOhNNy cash...june carter cash.....jerry lee lewis...brody dalle....travis barker....bam magera....wee man.... (haha)...tony hawk....johnny noxville....pirates.......rhys nan...tigers....yall know theres aloada people..
clutch..eeer. man there alot..servey...........
everything u wanted to know about me...and much more! by jazzi19
Name:: kayleigh
Nickname:: kay
Age:: 19
Starsign:: scorpio
Current location:: whitland
Eye colour:: green
Hair colour:: brown/black/ginger
Height:: 5'2
Righty or lefty:: righty
Shoe size:: 5
Strengths:: blugh....decorating?
Weakness:: music..rhys..marmite on toast..sex
Macca's or Hungry jacks:: rh? :S
Fave alcoholic drik:: oooo not really fussy.. jd n coke tho
Fave club:: pffft.. not a chav
First thoughts when you wake up:: noooooooooo sleep more
What you can't stop saying:: savvy... or .... aye
What is the most annoying thing about you:: i can be bitchy..not a bitch-er...but everyone can
What are you shit scared off:: the weird panick attack things i have started to get.
if you could turn back time what's one thing you would change:: my mother marrying the guy she has... she deserves better
Pepsi or Coke:: i would rather coke.. but im not allowed to drink it! :(
Tea or coffee:: neither..got caffine in it.
if you were on death row what would you want your last meal to be:: beef and red wine sauce and chips with a side salad
Do you smoke:: not anymore.... ok... only when i go out
Do you swear:: aye
Have you ever taken drugs:: aye
Do you sing:: aye
Fave song:: probs i walk the like by johnny cash
Do you want to get married:: aye
Do you want kids:: aye
Do you have pets:: aye
Do you have a tattoo:: aye
Ever stolen from a shop:: aye
Ever stolen from your friends:: not meaning to.. i forgot i had it
What country would you like to visit: ausie or carabian
Fave clothing style:: surf/sk8/rock
Fave thing to do:: cuddle rhys
Fave person to be around:: rhys
Least fave person to be around:: some one i hate then..
Do you think you're attractive:: uurrm... not as much as sum or most
Fave beauty products:: water.soap.lol.
Do you have a mobile phone:: aye
How many pairs of shoes do you own: pft not many
Have you ever kissed a member of the opposite sex:: yuh
When did you lose your virginty:: bit personal but ok... 17
Relationship status
Best friend:
Prettiest friend:
Funniest friend:
Weirdest friend:
Best guyfriend:
Best girlfriend:
Have you ever bitched about someone behind their backs:: yuh.. but only coz they wernt there to hear it.
Worst lie you ever told:: hmmm dont remember
Have you ever dobbed a mate into save your own arse: NO!
Have you ever broken any bones:: no
What you did on your last sickie: fack all
Fave perfume/cologne:: christian dior
Fave colour: purple or blue
Fave song:: im sure thats already been asked
song you're too ashamed to admit you like:: few pop songs hear and there
Fave season:: summer
Footy or cricket:: footy
Jemma jameson or bridgette bardot:: eeeeeeeeeeeeer neither
Kiss or hug:: `both
Fave movie:: hmm walk the line.. or errr theres loads.. pirates of the carabian 1 n 2 anything with mr depp in.
Last time you cried:: yesturday
Is your room messy or clean:: bit o both
Last book you read: uuuuuuuum
Last movie you saw: one with jenifer aniston in down at abz last nighr
Last thing you ate and what was it:: toast.. with marmite
Last time you got drunk:: last fri
Last person you had a fight with: pffffffffff rhys.
What colour undies/boxers are you wearing:: black
Have you dressed up sexy in the bedroom to impress your other half: not yet...
Fave flower:: rose...
How many pillows do you sleep with:: 2/3
Do you hog the bed and doona:: donna? bed ... meh
Day or night:: both
Shower or baths: btoh
Fave boys name:: travis
Fave girls name:: roxanne
Last place you went out partying:: station house.. woohoo
Are you friends with someone who most of your mates don't like:: dont think so
Fave TV show: urrrrr dunno
Do other people's opiniouns matter to you:: sometimes
Best dream:: dunno
Scariest dream:: duno
Current mood:
I can't wait till:
I love it when:
I hate it when:
Things you look for in friends:
are you a jealous person:
are you an "emo"
what do you think of the death penalty:: harsh.. i think torture should be back
What do you think of the war:: no thanks
Do you judge people before you meet them:: sometimes
Have you ever cheated:: NO
Been cheated on:: yes
Ever had a one night stand: yes
Ever purposely ruined something:: yes
Have you ever returned something you have worn back to the store and pretended you had a change of mind:: nope
First kiss: what who? or when? :S
First crush: oooo that probs would be tom owen
First best friend:: cerri-anne
Are you still best friends with this person?: nope :( moved away
First love:: rhys
First time you had sex:: again confuzed?
Ever had sex in public: eeeeeeeeeer i dont think so
Do you live wth your parents:: kinda
Do you drive:: aye but not legally
Have you ever used somone:: no
Been used:: yuh
Lied to someone:: yuh
Been lied to:: yuh
Are you happy with your life right now?: meeeee... i dunno
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