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About Me

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MySpace LayoutsNAKED BRAIN on the first time standing from boy..s corps - boys of street musician in plaza of town Sidoarjo, where they have equation of soul of music which genre hardcore. At the first time NAKED BRAIN consisted of street musician: Komik, Kris, Sony, Andy In the year 1997 NAKED BRAIN stands up as first band hardcore in town Sidoarjo, mentioned deflect seen thicker the clock flown assorted of good event show in and outside town. Along the progress and growth in have music in the year 1999 Sony (Bass) fall from NAKED BRAIN cause of classic reason that is continue education on the outside town. Of course the run of the mill and fair mentioned happened in a band. Later; Then enter Iwan with this five string bass replace position Sony. Is not old a time gap elapse to propose Kris (Vocal) retire with the reason wish to have band by self, possible in NAKED BRAIN Kris feel depressed haunting his mind so that there is desire to make personal band project with his brother and bla...bla...deh. irregular and rancorous worried Condition moment in NAKED BRAIN finally emerge madness idea which run of the mill to in fact wish to try vocal woman hence join Etik as new vocalist of NAKED BRAIN, along the nun of day time of night Etik and morning even also retire with the reason to serve at husband, like ordinary people which bow and obedient to her king...Bla..Bla...lagi. position Vocal NAKED BRAIN have time to experience of blankness more or less one year till there is a friend offer a vocal player BMX/JIMMY, over the course of sufficient audition process finally we fit in with character vocal Jimmy. In the year 2005 Andi (Drum) retire with the super classic reason because of his workload. Early 2006 blankness of position of drum of NAKED BRAIN will be filled by Yoppy Coll which always try to play a good game behind a set his drum. Afterwards NAKED BRAIN try step to the fore tiredly make video of clip by self by title song ..DENDAM" this matter aim to as reference that NAKED BRAIN remain to exist in community of hardcore Sidoarjo. video of the Clip really able to prove that NAKED BRAIN in have music to it..s true make proper and competent considered by as a band of best hardcore, do not only video of clip NAKED BRAIN partake to fill album of Indies Compilations of Indonesia and mini of album or EP.

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Member Since: 12/8/2006
Band Members:† BAGUS KARANG † Birth : Jakarta, 17 september 1988 Role : Guitar Influence :The specials,Orangestreet,Link80,MychemicalromanceZIMMI bmx Birth : Sidoarjo, 26 Mei 1986 Role : Troath Influence : mad ball, Bring me the Horizon, Snot, Earth Crisis, Trough the eyes of the dead, Alexis on fire, Black Dahlia Murder, Otep, Shai hulud.NICO BRAMOYO (KOMIK) Birth : Sidoarjo, 28 December 1979 Role : Guitar Influence : Rykers, Mad Ball, Blink 182RIDWAN IHSAN (IWAN) Birth : Jakarta, 22 December 1980 Role : Bass Influence : VOD, Deftones, SnotYOPI COLL Birth : Sidoarjo, 27 July 1978 Role : Drum Influence : Travis Barker Blink182, Strife, Biohazar
Sounds Like: NeVer You Hear Sound Like NakEd Brain This Is "NakeD BraiN HardCorE"Video Clip Promo Dari Lagu Yang Berjudul Dendam & Pecundang
Record Label: fuckiN' label
Type of Label: Indie

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