VOICES profile picture


yEaAaA...bLah bLah bLah nYak nYAk nYAk dOh..!!!

About Me

dReaMeR eXpErT iN mAkiNg a FakE sMiLe nOt a fAkE pErSoN HaTe LiFe HaTe mY eMoTioNaLitY NeVeR BeLieVe in MiRacLe sCaReD wiTh rEaLitY LikE 2 dO SoMeThiNg sTuPiD & uSeLeSs dOnT dRiVe,LoVeS riDe HatE a LiAr NiCe pErSon ♥ cOnVeRsE ♥ sHorT LoVe pOemS mUsiC LiFe VuLneRabLe LovE 2 laUgh eVen sUm ppL ThiNk aM nOt cRy a LoT aNd i HatE iT LikE wHen sOmeOne feeL cOmForTabLe wiTh mE hAtE wHeN ppL sTaRinG aT mE i HaTe wHeN ppL hUrT mE mY FamiLy pReTTy muCh HatE mE cAnt sTop feeLinG sOrrY 4 MyseLf sOmeTimEs nOw aM oN mY wAy cHasiNg mY dReam 2 mOvE oUt fRom mY oWn cOuntRy

My Interests

mUsiC and rAin [ fEeL it , thEn yOu'll knOw wHy I lOvE thEsE twO tHingS ]

I'd like to meet:

tHiS bOy..
i LovE hiM tO dEaTh


EmO sCrEamO pUnk aLtErnaTiVe pOpPunK rOcK gAraGe eXpEriMentaL pUnKrOcK iNdiE pOwErpOp GotHic pUnkSkA TraSh hArdCoRe GruDgE TecHnO


mYsTery tHriLLer aCtiOn hOrrOr cOmEdy


Comment Hey hun,

My Blog

wHo aRe wE ?

Who are we?We not live with the deathWe live inside the deathThey seen us but they trying to be blindThey hear us but they trying not toWhere are we?Everyone is alone hereDeath is a freedom for usWe d...
Posted by VOICES on Fri, 13 Apr 2007 03:12:00 PST

My LiFe

Am just an ordinary person.And all i know this far from myself is i hate a liar,i really hate a liar more than u can imagine.But not like the other teenage,my life's keep a lot of story.My mom pr...
Posted by VOICES on Tue, 13 Mar 2007 01:13:00 PST