- Evil, Satanic, and Horror picturesNOT FOR THE WEAK OF HEART....Piece of crap! Danny R.I.P.I like the Beastie Boys...can't help it
jebuz,satan,william shatner,cannibal corpse,a shit ton of other bands. Can't forget Jim HELLwig(aka the warrior)
..Funny as hell....i think
You scored as Freddy Krueger. You are Freddy Krueger. You are evil, but enjoy having fun. Sure you made some bad choices in life, causing some parents to attack you, and burn you alive. But hey, you have even more fun now than you did then! You prefer waiting for your victims to fall asleep, so you can have fun with them in your world. But if they pull you out, you dont let that stop your fun!
Michael Myers
Freddy Krueger
Jason Voorhees
Captain Spaulding
Hannibal Lecter
Buffalo Bill
Gotta dig the misfits!!!KISS ME WHERE IT SMELLS FUNNY
FUCK HORSES!!!!!! Danny R.I.P.
DIE KENNY DIE - Evil, Satanic, and Horror pictures