SPIDERMAN 3. Minorities. Freckles. Mac $ Cheese (meal made for a king) Mist, not rain. X men And fake plants (because if I owned real plants. they would die)
Songs are good. Not Genres
Um.. when I am bored.. anything could be a good movie. I can tell you the worst movie. DAREDEVIL!
Televison.Um.. Anything while I eat.
Harry Potter. The bible. LOTR, Calvin and hobbes. SERIES OF UNFORTUNATE EVENTS Back of cereal boxes
Um.. heroes.. Depends on the way I look at a person. A fictional hero, would be Spiderman. Because you kick BUTT Non-fictional - My Parents and sister, being good role models. all and all. My role model, Jesus Christ. Thank you For all you did for us. My closest friends. Michelle, Eric. I would not have such a great life without you They are all heroes to me, Thank you all.