MUR-DOC profile picture


About Me

Born in Trinidad & Tobago, MUR-DOC was born into a life of Soca, Calypso & dancehall reggae music. When his father decided to transfer MUR-DOC & his family from ..Port of Spain.. Trinidad, for a chance at a better lifestyle. Cleveland, OH was his city of choice (thanks Pops , at least we went from the gutter to the ghetto!). The transformation was a very uneasy one for MUR-DOC, who like most kids found it hard to adapt to a sudden change in environment. MUR-DOC was lost. It didnt take long for MUR-DOC to take to the streets & eventually he would stumble upon his new found love, this love was rap music. Battling neighborhood mcees became an everyday thing. Now that time has past and having gone through a good bit of trials & tribulations in life. MUR-DOC has decided to share his stories with the world. Having done shows both overseas and the U.S. and currently working with Independent music label "YARDEE BOY RECORDS." MUR-DOC is looking to go down in history as one of the best to ever do it. Understanding the challenge and goal that lies ahead, and given the opportunity to shine for a bigger audience, MUR-DOC is very eager for the future that awaits.

My Interests


Member Since: 07/12/2006
Band Website: "under construction"
Band Members: Murdoc is mainly a solo artist, he is also part of a two man group that goes by the name of 2-Sided with fellow mcee "Rizzi". Myspace Backgrounds

Influences: Influences are: Soca music/Calypso music/Conscious & Dancehall Reggae/B.D.P./ Run D.M.C./ Public Enemy/ N.W.A./Geto Boys/2-Pac/Bone Thugs & Harmony/ anyone that's tight on the mic
Sounds Like: No one i'm aware of, we keeps it original ya dig?
Type of Label: Indie

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